Patrick Heiden wrote:
Hi Andre!
Yeah, I guess that this would settle the matter then. One transaction
definition file to transact them all...

Maybe one last gap in addition to your thought about block-specific 

If one must somehow define special transaction purposes, e.g. different 
method-name-patterns, then usage of different transaction-managers could be 
fine. But I would try to avoid such design and spend a bit more effort upfront.

Agreed. My transactions are also very straightforward. I do not use different method-name pattern, except to differentiate between methods that just get something from the database without actually modifying it and methods that result in a modification of one or more tables in the database. That's it. That's why I have just one transaction.xml.


Cheers ;)

Andre H. Juffer              | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Biocenter and            | WWW:
    the Dep. of Biochemistry | Fax: +358-8-553-1141
University of Oulu, Finland  | Phone: +358-8-553 1161
Triacle Biocomputing         | WWW:

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