On Mar 25, 2008, at 11:15 AM, shai200 wrote:

But I want the generator to take the XML output of my action and use that as
the text to pass down, and not read a file or a servlet.

How do I do that?

Action should not be used to create whole XML content for the generator. In this situation, you could use any of following approaches:

1. Action returns name of the source to use by generator:

<!-- Action which picks what source to use. Returns 'source' parameter with URL -->
  <map:act type="pick-a-source">
    <map:generate src="{source}"/>

2. Instead of Action, implement a Generator and use it:

  <!-- Call your 'xml-generation' generator which produces XML -->
  <map:generate type="xml-generation"/>

3. Alternatively, implement a Source and use it:

<!-- Standard file generator accesses XML generated by your 'xml- source' protocol -->
  <map:generate src="xml-source:"/>

4. Check if any of existing input modules and/or sources provide the needed functionality (probably by using XModuleSource, even though previous 3 approaches are better)


Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

On Mar 25, 2008, at 12:31 AM, shai200 wrote:

This doesn't work for me for some reason. I get an error (see end of


And my sitemap entry is:

        <map:match pattern="xmlaction">
                        <map:act type="xml-injection">
                                     <map:parameter name="param"

Generator must have src attribute pointing to source document it
should use. For example, following would work:

  <map:generate type="jx" src="pages/result.jx">
    <map:parameter name="param" value="{paramAction}"/>


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