And just to answer my own question (in case there are other neophyte javascripters out there), the answer is, to get parameter(s) in array format use:

var modellerArray = cocoon.request.getParameterValues("listImportExportUsers");

instead of

   var modellerArray = cocoon.request.gets("listImportExportUsers");


On Oct 10, 2008, at 11:11 AM, Jeff Schmitz wrote:

After some debugging, I've reduced the problem to being that:


Will not return an array. If one option is selected, it returns a string such as:


If more than one option is selected, it returns a String that looks like an array, but it can't be accessed as an array, only a string. e.g. the String looks like:

  "[jeff, john]"

But, if I try to access modellerArray.length, I get a runtime error that there is no such .length property of the string.

Is there an easy way to get the string into the array besides manually parsing it and adding it to an array variable manually, or is there perhaps some kind of cocoon.request.getArray() function?


On Oct 10, 2008, at 9:36 AM, Jeff Schmitz wrote:

  I have a page with the following select/option list in a form:

<select id="listImportExportUsers" size="5" multiple="multiple" name="listImportExportUsers">
  <option value="jeff">jeff jones</option>
  <option value="john">john smith</option>

When this is submitted, how can I get a hold of the entire option list from within flowscript? I tried the following, but nothing in my loop below runs, even making sure both options were selected:

  var modellerArray  = cocoon.request.get("listImportExportUsers");

  for (var i=0; i<modellerArray.length; i++) {
var uri = "ssp/ivhm/" + secIntegrator + "/ModelRole-" + modellerArray + "-" + neutralInstModel + "-modeller/" + neutralInstModel + "/ivhmrbac:modeller/" + "saveModelPermissions.jx";
    var os = new;
    cocoon.processPipelineTo(uri, null, os);

Note that


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