:Matthew Dillon wrote:
:>    Illusion.   Every time I have ever used portupgrade, the result has
:>    been a completely broken system.  Every time.
:This is nice to know, i was under the impression i was so dumb as
:being unable to use portupgrade (yes, my experience is not far from 
:yours) when so many people swear on the bible that they regularly
:upgrade their machine with portupgrade without a single hiccup :-)

    Of course, you realize Michel that we are going through a major ABI
    change in our libs as well, in HEAD :-)  Joerg is almost finished with it.
    struct stat has changed and struct dirent is about to (to make inode
    numbers 64 bits).

    However, I will say that that is the last major user-visible ABI
    change I expect we will be making for a while.  I've been wanting to
    fix the inode width for a long time, years in fact, but finding a good
    time to do it has been a chore.

    As you can see by the dicussions, the big thing now is what kind of
    packaging system we should adopt or build.

                                        Matthew Dillon 
                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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