> Phew, gpart saved me! thanks guys A LOT. its working now. but the mistery
> is how did it get overwritten at first place?
> Ok, ive got a Hurd related question for you. How do i get grub to boot
> Debian/Hurd? I installed it out of curiosity but havent had time to figure
> out how to get it to boot from grub.


Taking as example first disk first partition coantains hurd:
grub> find /boot/gnumach.gz
grub> kernel (hd0,0)/boot/gnumach.gz root=device:hd2s1 -s
   [Multiboot-elf, ...]
grub> module (hd0,0)/hurd/ext2fs.static
--host-priv-port=${host-port} --device-master-port=${device-port}
--exec-server-task=${exec-task} -T typed ${root} $(task-create)
    [Multiboot-module  0x1c4000, 0x2cfe6a bytes]
  grub> module (hd0,0)/lib/ld.so.1 /hurd/exec $(exec-task=task-create)
    [Multiboot-module  0x494000, 0x27afe bytes]
grub> boot

Michel Talon

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