On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Kent Närling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I guess this might have been answered here before, but I searched the lists
> and the FAQ:s and could not find anything so I will take the risk ... ;-)
> What ARE reasonable overheads using CXF Webservices? for instance compared
> to RMI/Beans etc?

I would never recommend RMI. It is based on Java serialization, which
is fundamentally broken.

I'd suggest using Googles Protocol Buffers instead.

> We did some measurments and found that some basic calls got between 3-5
> milliseconds of overhead/response time (using a dummy implementation).
> Is this normal? or does it sound high? can this be tuned significantly?

Considering this is (presumably) over a network connection, then this
latency looks to me to be quite good. But I wonder how this was
measured. The process-schedulers in most operating systems use 10 ms
timeslices, so unless you really know your way around benchmarking and
statistical analysis, you can expect measurements in the < 20 ms scale
to be very inaccurate.

I suppose it can be tuned by using a binary XML format. There has been
some talk about on this list, but I can't find anything on the wiki so
I don't know if it is actually feasible.

> Mainly I need to know to decide our strategy for using webservices etc
> For our external interface this latency/overhead is not an issue, but we
> have discussed using webservices as an internal interface in a SOA
> architecture, but then this overhead would not be practical...

Is latency really that important to you? Or is it actually throughput
that is your real concern?

Only a proper load-test can tell whether or not the throughput will be
good enough. My experience is that you throughput-bottleneck is much
more likely to be in your application code that in CXF itself. At
least, that is my conclusion for load that ranges up to 20.000
requests per minute.

I don't know anything about systems that need to live up to real-time
gaurantees, though.

> Best regards,
> Kent

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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