2008/9/12 Christian Vest Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Kent Närling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I guess this might have been answered here before, but I searched the
> lists
> > and the FAQ:s and could not find anything so I will take the risk ... ;-)
> >
> > What ARE reasonable overheads using CXF Webservices? for instance
> compared
> > to RMI/Beans etc?
> I would never recommend RMI. It is based on Java serialization, which
> is fundamentally broken.

Yes, naturally, for compatibility it is horrible, so I would never compare
it to webservices etc ;-)

 And I didn't intend to compare with RMI as an alternative, more to get a
feeling of the "cost" of sebservices/SOAP compared to less robust but more
low level alternatives.

> I'd suggest using Googles Protocol Buffers instead.

Ok, Will look into that ...

> >
> > We did some measurments and found that some basic calls got between 3-5
> > milliseconds of overhead/response time (using a dummy implementation).
> > Is this normal? or does it sound high? can this be tuned significantly?
> Considering this is (presumably) over a network connection, then this
> latency looks to me to be quite good. But I wonder how this was

No, actually it was not!
I simply initialized a (mockup) webservice , published it and then called it
from within the same process
(tried both with single thread and multiple threads with comparable results)

> measured. The process-schedulers in most operating systems use 10 ms
> timeslices, so unless you really know your way around benchmarking and
> statistical analysis, you can expect measurements in the < 20 ms scale
> to be very inaccurate.

Very true, forgot that for a moment, will doublecheck that.
But the analysis is based on thousands of calls and then calculating the
Also, I used System.nanoTime() which should be more accurate.

> I suppose it can be tuned by using a binary XML format. There has been
> some talk about on this list, but I can't find anything on the wiki so
> I don't know if it is actually feasible.

Ok, will keep my eyes open for this.

> >
> > Mainly I need to know to decide our strategy for using webservices etc
> >
> > For our external interface this latency/overhead is not an issue, but we
> > have discussed using webservices as an internal interface in a SOA
> > architecture, but then this overhead would not be practical...
> Is latency really that important to you? Or is it actually throughput
> that is your real concern?

Well, maybe not as long as it is not a symptom of overhead so your point is
very valid.

> Only a proper load-test can tell whether or not the throughput will be
> good enough. My experience is that you throughput-bottleneck is much
> more likely to be in your application code that in CXF itself. At
> least, that is my conclusion for load that ranges up to 20.000
> requests per minute.

This is a very interesting comparison!! 333 TPS?
Can you qualify that a bit more? is that on a single machine?

If performance on levels of 100-200 TPS is achievable with webservices is
easily achievable on a single machine (without heavy tuning etc), then I
think we should be happy enough! :-)

> I don't know anything about systems that need to live up to real-time
> gaurantees, though.

No, we do have some stringent demands on our systems,  but I wouldn't
qualify them as "real-time guarantees"

> >
> > Best regards,
> > Kent
> >
> --
> Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
> Christian Vest Hansen.

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