I'm having some trouble understanding exactly how to relate XSD types I
already have to WSDL, where I want to reuse them. If someone could point
me in a good direction, I'd be very grateful.

I have, for instance, a schema in which I define:

  <xs:simpleType name="ssn-type">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

(a standard SSN but not all 0s or all 9s - this is the customer's

I would like to use this to validate the SSN (in the WSDL, in other
words) for this class:

@XmlType(name = "Identity")
public class IdentityImpl implements Identity
        private String ssn;
// a bunch of other properties

         * @see com.datasourceinc.abis.ws.fingerprint.Identity#getSsn()
        public String getSsn()
                return ssn;

        public void setSsn(String ssn)
                this.ssn = ssn;
// the rest of the getters and setters

I have tried a variety of annotations on the getSsn() method and the
entire class without success. Can anyone suggest anything that will do
what I want?


David Sills

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