
I take your point that perhaps I'm asking more than the tools can do, but am 
left wondering why you might discourage the use of reusable elements within a 
web service. Is it not typically done? I was thinking that it would simplify 
data validation - by the time you made it through a schema-aware parser, you 
would know that the data would be valid as well as correctly formatted.

Ah well, at least apples and coconuts does seem like a tasty combo to me 
personally... :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Benson Margulies [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: Schemas inside WSDL


I think you are mixing apples and coconuts a bit here.

The schema in a WSDL is XSD. What you are looking at it the process of
auto-generating XSD from Java with annotations, apparently with JAX-B.

JAX-B supports only a subset of XSD. Many restrictions and other
refinements that you can express in XSD have no representation in
plain JAX-B. In some cases you can add JAX-B plugins that get you

If you use the JAX-B tool to generate Java from your XSD, you can see
just how much gets thrown away.

If you really need to use a highly-specialized schema to express your
web service (which I might discourage), you can't use JAX-B in
Java-first mode. You can use schema-first, and then enable schema

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 11:21 AM, David Sills <> wrote:
> I'm having some trouble understanding exactly how to relate XSD types I
> already have to WSDL, where I want to reuse them. If someone could point
> me in a good direction, I'd be very grateful.
> I have, for instance, a schema in which I define:
>  <xs:simpleType name="ssn-type">
>    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
>      <xs:pattern
> value="[1-8][0-9]{8}|(?:0(?!0{8}))[0-9]{8}|(?:9(?!9{8}))[0-9]{8}"/>
>    </xs:restriction>
>  </xs:simpleType>
> (a standard SSN but not all 0s or all 9s - this is the customer's
> requirement)
> I would like to use this to validate the SSN (in the WSDL, in other
> words) for this class:
> @XmlType(name = "Identity")
> public class IdentityImpl implements Identity
> {
>        private String ssn;
> // a bunch of other properties
>        /**
>         * @see
>         */
>        @Override
>        public String getSsn()
>        {
>                return ssn;
>        }
>        public void setSsn(String ssn)
>        {
>                this.ssn = ssn;
>        }
> // the rest of the getters and setters
> I have tried a variety of annotations on the getSsn() method and the
> entire class without success. Can anyone suggest anything that will do
> what I want?
> Thanks!
> David Sills

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