
It would seem that I sort-of did follow you (assuming I follow you now), though 
my email wasn't quite fast enough (or my brain wasn't, take your pick).

However, I'm a little perplexed about why it is that using a schema type that 
guarantees data validation would be a bad idea. I'm not concerned with my 
data's structure so much as its content. I'd like the failure to occur at the 
earliest possible moment in the web service process, as I anticipate a heavy 
load for this application. That was why I thought that if the original parser 
that got the WSDL could fail while loading the XML document (ignoring for the 
moment that it is a WSDL and has other responsibilities) that it might help me: 
no Java objects and less processing time.

Still, I take your notion of separation of concerns (assuming that's actually 
what you meant). Let the WSDL just get the data to me and then worry about 
whether it is valid or not.


-----Original Message-----
From: Benson Margulies [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: Schemas inside WSDL

Let me be clear about what I'm discouraging versus merely describing.

Once upon a time, SOAP had these two models: RPC and Document. The
idea was that RPC would be used a mapping for procedure calls, and
Document was about passing XML documents around.

As things have evolved, however, the RPC format is pretty completely
dead. However, the vast majority of what people do with web services
is, in fact, RPC. They are just doing it with Document/Literal

As a result, what most people are doing most of the time is passing
data structures around, often between disparate programming languages.
This works best when the XML used is the simplest possible XML that
carries the semantics. So, while an XML Schema can talk about
attributes, and facets, and regexp restrictions, and all sorts of
peanut-butter hoola-hoops, I think I am not alone in discouraging the
use of complex schemata in web services. If your actual purpose is to
ship complex chunks of XML around the landscape, I'd recommend sending
them at attachments.

So, OK, let's imagine that you think that I'm making sense. "What
about reuse?" you ask. Reuse is a good thing. However, it's very hard
to achieve reuse if you define your schema by asking JAX-B to derive
it from an infestation of @nnotation sn@ils in your Java code. If you
want reuse, I personally think you are better off defining your
service as a WSDL that includes XML schema(s) that you can maintain
and share, and then generating the Java code from the schema, instead
of the other way around.

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 2:02 PM, David Sills <> wrote:
> Benson:
> I take your point that perhaps I'm asking more than the tools can do, but am 
> left wondering why you might discourage the use of reusable elements within a 
> web service. Is it not typically done? I was thinking that it would simplify 
> data validation - by the time you made it through a schema-aware parser, you 
> would know that the data would be valid as well as correctly formatted.
> Ah well, at least apples and coconuts does seem like a tasty combo to me 
> personally... :-)
> David
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benson Margulies []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 12:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Schemas inside WSDL
> David,
> I think you are mixing apples and coconuts a bit here.
> The schema in a WSDL is XSD. What you are looking at it the process of
> auto-generating XSD from Java with annotations, apparently with JAX-B.
> JAX-B supports only a subset of XSD. Many restrictions and other
> refinements that you can express in XSD have no representation in
> plain JAX-B. In some cases you can add JAX-B plugins that get you
> more.
> If you use the JAX-B tool to generate Java from your XSD, you can see
> just how much gets thrown away.
> If you really need to use a highly-specialized schema to express your
> web service (which I might discourage), you can't use JAX-B in
> Java-first mode. You can use schema-first, and then enable schema
> validation.
> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 11:21 AM, David Sills <> 
> wrote:
>> I'm having some trouble understanding exactly how to relate XSD types I
>> already have to WSDL, where I want to reuse them. If someone could point
>> me in a good direction, I'd be very grateful.
>> I have, for instance, a schema in which I define:
>>  <xs:simpleType name="ssn-type">
>>    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
>>      <xs:pattern
>> value="[1-8][0-9]{8}|(?:0(?!0{8}))[0-9]{8}|(?:9(?!9{8}))[0-9]{8}"/>
>>    </xs:restriction>
>>  </xs:simpleType>
>> (a standard SSN but not all 0s or all 9s - this is the customer's
>> requirement)
>> I would like to use this to validate the SSN (in the WSDL, in other
>> words) for this class:
>> @XmlType(name = "Identity")
>> public class IdentityImpl implements Identity
>> {
>>        private String ssn;
>> // a bunch of other properties
>>        /**
>>         * @see
>>         */
>>        @Override
>>        public String getSsn()
>>        {
>>                return ssn;
>>        }
>>        public void setSsn(String ssn)
>>        {
>>                this.ssn = ssn;
>>        }
>> // the rest of the getters and setters
>> I have tried a variety of annotations on the getSsn() method and the
>> entire class without success. Can anyone suggest anything that will do
>> what I want?
>> Thanks!
>> David Sills

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