On 10/14/2013 04:38 PM, Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
And now that I've had some sleep I'll modify my earlier retraction. Metro, at least, does provide a way of doing the server certificate distribution in WSDL, but through the WS-Addressing EndpointReference rather than through the policy: https://blogs.oracle.com/SureshMandalapu/entry/support_of_endpoint_references_with

Wow. Impressive find. Locating anything migrated over from the old Sun blogs to their Oracle equivalent is no small feat!

That does sound indeed like another solution to my problem, but as you say, it's non-standard, and involves wide publication of the server cert, so it's off my list. I need something standard and distributing the server cert only to clients that the WS runtime has previously validated using the STS signature.

The bad news is that it looks like this is based on a non-standard called "Web Services Addressing Identity", one of the many WS-* technologies that was introduced but has never made it through to become widely supported. It looks like this is the proposal: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/addressingidentity/WS-AddressingAndIdentity.pdf An OASIS technical committee was set up to handle work in this area, but it looks like they haven't actually produced anything: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=imi

Actually, reading the comments on that elderly blog, it looks like there are some problems with the Metro specific implementation, circa 2011, down in the SecurityClientTube. I myself have run into problems down in that SecurityClientTube myself recently, whereby it didn't respect a timestampTimeout attribute in the Sun specific WSIT policy. I wonder how much sunlight that SecurityClientTube code gets these days.

I don't think CXF supports this particular non-standard, so it's irrelevant to Susan's needs, but it is an interesting idea. Clients need to have access to the WSDL anyway, so why not include the server certificate directly in the WSDL? There are obvious security issues involved which mean you wouldn't want to use this approach for highly-secure services, but the advantage of configuration-free client operation would be significant for services using certificates issued by public CAs.

As you say, it is an interesting idea to put the cert in the WSDL directly. But my Barbie Dream Secure Token Service would still be able to support a mechanism whereby
->WSDLs have policy that say  "Server certificate goes here",
->server runtime injects the certificate into the response as a header
->The STS receives header information and signs it
->the whole response with signed header goes back to the client,
->client runtime validates the header signed by the STS with the server cert
->all is good so the client processes the response.
And I'm ever more convinced there is no way to do this in a standard way that CXF, Metro and .NET would all support


Thanks again for the responses to my questions, Dennis and Colm. You've really helped me understand my problem better. Based on all I've come to understand in the last few days, I've decided to punt the use of WS-Trust for now. I'd sold it to my colleagues as possibly solving our certificate problems. But because it doesn't, I think I'm going to leave well enough alone for now, and stick to the WS-Security devil policy. we already understand. In fact, one of my colleagues had an interesting point - it is easier to remember to put the client certs in the server truststore, and the server certs in the client truststore, which doesn't happen all that often than to re-derive which trust store you DON'T have to manipulate :-)

I appreciate the followup, Dennis.


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