Is an OBR repository a new concept or is it just difficult to implement?

Quoting Guillaume Nodet <>:

The real problem is that there's no real usable obr repository, so
you're really on your own here.  However obr use a url to actually
dowload and install the bundles that you can point to a known location
if you manage thoses repositories.  What we're using in Karaf to
remove this absolute url is to use a maven based url which uses the
groupid, artifactid and url instead of an absolute url, which gives
you a nice indirection and allow you to use tools such as nexus to
manage your artifacts.

On Friday, December 3, 2010,  <> wrote:
I have a vanilla 3.0.2 felix install up and running. However, I cannot seem to figure out how to install the bundles which are listed by the OBR commands. Every example I've found has me manually installing bundles from my local machine, which strikes me as defeating the purpose of having a bundle repository in the first place.

In my ideal world I would create a bundle in IntelliJ, deploy the bundle to a remote bundle repository with a maven plugin, and then install the bundle into OSGI from the remote bundle repository.

I am looking for something similar to the Linux "yum" command where I can tell OSGI to install a specific bundle and it will automatically download and install that bundle along with its dependencies. Is this something that OBR is capable of doing or am I way off base?


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Guillaume Nodet
Open Source SOA

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