I'm just trying to use http://code.google.com/p/stagewebviewbridge/
and load a html/javascript page built with google maps api
in an air mobile project.

Seems to work well.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Wright" <twri...@yesco.com>
To: <users@flex.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: supported mapping APIs in Flex?

Yup. Ditto.
We were using the Google Flex API, and in all honestly, it beats MapQuest
on almost every single metric. However, and quite unfortunately Google
deprecated the API and it is no longer available.
So - we have switched everything over to MapQuest's Flex API.
For your information, and likewise for your sanity, here are a couple
points that may save you some time if you do any mobile development with
the MapQuest Flex API.

1: Pinch Zoom. Something is weird with the way they've implemented
pinchzoom. In both of our apps, pinchzoom will occasionally freeze the map.
So, to jog around the hassle, simply disable pinchzoom. I know it sucks,
but so far I've not found a fix.
2: Set your limits to around ~50 POIs on screen at any time. Too many POIs
(and unfortunately too many is around 50) will cause serious lag.
3: POI Declutter is nasty business. Don't allow this if there are a lot of
POIs on screen OR if you are zoomed out at all. Maybe the closest two
zoom-levels are the only zoom-levels where you'll not get horrifically
dramatic lag sessions.
4: If you're going to do a sort of "follow me" POI scenario, use
map.slideMapToLatLng(new LatLng(lat,lng)) to move, otherwise you're going
to get the map refreshing every time you try to set the new coordinates.

Have a good one :)

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Pedro Serralha <
pedro.serra...@elegedata.com> wrote:

Hi everyone

I'm working on a project that needs maps too, and after some research we
decided to use the open mapquest

It's free and works very well, it's based on open street maps and even
allows editing the map.

It has some samples on the site.
You just need to regist yourself, freely, to obtain the api key.

Best regards :)
No dia 15 de Ago de 2013 15:28, "Fuad Kamal" <f...@anaara.com> escreveu:

> Are there any (free) mapping APIs still supported in Flex? ESRI doesn't
> count, it's terribly expensive to license.  I know Yahoo Maps stopped
> working many years ago, and Google Maps API is officially deprecated > and > will stop working in 2014. Even the "Building Interactive Maps" > article
> that is referenced on the front page of flex.apache.org doesn't work
> anymore - it uses Modest Maps which is now strictly an HTML5 API - > there
> no mention anywhere on their site of Flex (I would suggest removing > that
> article link from the site!).  If someone who is actually using a given
> could please confirm that it's working and still officially supported
> would be really helpful.  After doing some googling it looks like
> might be an option, but the same search also comes up with Yahoo Maps
> I'm pretty sure does not work anymore.
> thanks
> Fuad Kamal
> Anaara LLC
> www.anaara.com
> 240.515.7578 (m)
> 214.279.1890 (f)
> twitter: @flexRonin
> linkedIn: linkedin.com/in/anaara
> flickr:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/abunur/sets/72157623368920999/

*Thomas Wright*
Software Engineer
Extension: 1054
Office: [801] 464.4600

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