On 9/10/14 2:40 AM, "DarrenEvans" <darren.ev...@allocatesoftware.com>
>I suspected something to do with last thing thing that had focus too but
>couldn't determine if that was the case. I have made a bit of progress
>morning in that I can get rid of it now. In the dispose() method I was
>manually removing and disposing everything it created. As a last ditch
>attempt I shoved a removeAllChildren() at the end and that seems to have
>rid of it!
>So from that I'm guessing something that I'm not creating is not getting
>cleared for some reason.....

Well, it may not be about "clearing".  But if removeAllChildren() made a
difference, that means that the children are pinning the explorer in
memory, and you could just start removing individual children to see which
one makes a difference.

I've seen a component having focus pin the component.  One test is to add
code to get the Explorer to go away without touching any children in the
Explorer.  Like add a Button outside the Explorer.

Another time, a component hooked up a timer.  The timer is then
referencing the component and the component references the parent chain
back to the top-level object.  Use of SetInterval and SetTimeout also
create timers under the hood.

Yet another time, someone embedded an icon for a button that wasn't a PNG
or JPG, it was a SWF that had a timeline animation.  The player references
the SWF in order to play the animation, the SWF references the button, the
button references a parent chain back to the top-level object.

And there are countless other scenarios where Singletons get registered
and reference a child.


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