Yes, I've heard the support topic before.  I'm not quite sure how other
Apache projects handle support.  I would think that many of these same
"bigger clients" are using at least one Apache project's releases.  Like
HTTPD or Maven, etc.

Do we know how "big" the support company would have to be?  If not too
big, maybe the Moonshine folks could become a support vendor.


On 9/19/17, 1:19 PM, "Jeffry Houser" <> wrote:

>  I think that Apache is a big enough name that it is probably 'good
>enough' to give anyone confidence in using an Apache Project.
>  What we're missing is a formal support infrastructure.  I find that
>many of my bigger clients want a "formal" support agreement so they can
>yell at someone when things go bad.
>  At this time, I don't think FlexJS has a high enough demand for a
>support company to spring up in the ecosystem.
>On 9/19/2017 4:10 PM, Carlos Rovira wrote:
>> That's great point. For me our real weakness is that our competitors
>> has behind Google, Facebook... and for me is the only thing that don't
>> know how to overpass
>> 2017-09-19 21:51 GMT+02:00 Jeffry Houser <
>> <>>:
>>     On 9/19/2017 12:29 PM, Alex Harui wrote:
>>         It might be interesting to hear why people chose Flex in the
>>         first place.
>>         There was competition back then as well (Silverlight, Lazlo,
>>         and more).
>>     1) It targeted the Flash Player, which was on just about every
>>     browser.  Silverlight couldn't offer that; and I heard of projects
>>     going w/ Flex because SL didn't have the penetration.
>>     2) It came from a big company, something that Lazlo couldn't offer.
>>         I believe that developer productivity was a major factor.
>>       In my version of the world, the people that often make decisions
>>     have no way to evaluate the truth behind the technology decisions.
>>     That may have been part of the sales pitch, but I honestly don't
>>     know if it was reality.
>>     -- 
>>     Jeffry Houser
>>     Technical Entrepreneur
>>     203-379-0773
>> -- 
>> Carlos Rovira
>> Director General
>> M: +34 607 22 60 05
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>Jeffry Houser
>Technical Entrepreneur

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