It wouldn't be a bad idea for more than one person to try to present this 
comparison.  Then we can see which presentation(s) are useful and iterate 
towards a final solution or solutions.

My personal philosophy is to try to not disappoint, so having Basic in a list 
and finding out later it requires a lot of configuration or doesn't have some 
important APIs may not be as good an approach as just comparing Express, which 
should compare more favorably.

My 2 cents,

From: Piotr Zarzycki 
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Friday, September 29, 2017 at 5:00 PM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: [Royale] Flex to FlexJS migration path

Hmm..But I was in my mind something simple. If we just show the names - without 
to much details - even Basic can landed onto that table. Once user see names 
will be able to look himself into that.


On Sat, Sep 30, 2017, 00:22 Alex Harui 
<<>> wrote:
IMO, we want to compare the Express and maybe MDL packages against Flex's
Spark and MX.  Comparing Basic components will be too difficult because of
how configurable they are.  And this might inspire us to create a
Migration component set that is better tuned to ease migration.

My 2 cents,

On 9/29/17, 11:40 AM, "Peter Ent" <<>> wrote:

>I'm moving to discussion over to Royale, but still including users from
>flex who have not yet subscribed to the new Royale email lists.
>I was speaking with Alex earlier and we thought the idea of a comparison
>table was a good one. I've been giving some thought to what this might
>look like and how complex it should (and it could) be.
>Take for example, Panel. Both Flex and Royale have a Panel. There are some
>differences and, being a developer myself, I'd like at least a quick
>comparison so I would know how to convert any uses of Panel such as MXML
>attribute differences and such.
>Using TextInput as another example, the Royale TextInput has far few
>options, but things like password security can be added as beads.
>We were also thinking of an app that would dive into the ASDocs and
>present a side-by-side, where possible, comparison. That would be a bit of
>a project.
>Please share your thoughts.
>Peter Ent
>Adobe Systems/Apache Royale Project
>On 9/28/17, 6:43 PM, "Idylog - Nicolas Granon" 
><<>> wrote:
>>Many thanks for your comments and thoughts,
>>(this thread is a follow-up of "[FlexJS] Guidelines for implementation of
>>layout containers and navigation containers" but I felt that the topic
>>was getting more general).
>>(May I remind to the readers that my company is not very interested in
>>keeping a "dual output" (SWF/JS) from FlexJS. We believe that FlexJS
>>should concentrate on outputting JS, and JS only, from AS3 and MXML code.
>>We also believe that MXML/AS3 project directed to AIR should stay under
>>the Flex umbrella (not FlexJS). It is however interesting if library
>>(modules/SWC) project can have dual output, but it is not mandatory. Our
>>opinions do not reflect all the use-cases of the Flex community! We will
>>be happy to hear from other people and differing opinions).
>>I have to say that it is really a pleasure to have that kind of
>>discussion and that your height of view is quite amazing (I'm not sure
>>that "height of view" is a correct English expression ??? Please excuse
>>my bad English).
>>We, at Idylog - and others - have obviously strong calendar constraints.
>>We can expect a real decrease in Flash Player support from browser
>>editors in the next 12 months, well before Adobe end of support.
>>Add to that all the apple-fan crowd (and others) being so happy that
>>Flash Player is - at last - sent to the grave (I have read such papers).
>>And all the people who do not even know that Flex exists, is based on FP,
>>and is used for day to day operations in hundreds (thousands ?) of
>>companies but are sooo happy that FP will finally disappear..
>>I am pretty sure that running FP on our customers' workstations will be
>>_very_ problematic well before Dec. 2020.
>>In my company alone (and it's a tiny company!) two of my customers have
>>already shown signs of nervousness. And every time there is a small
>>glitch in one of our software, I immediately receive a call like "We had
>>this problem because FP is over and your are keeping us in obsolete
>>technology" !! No kidding.
>>That said, I am a big fan of Flex (and FlexJS) and AS3.
>>I believe that the fact that the language is *less* permissive and *less*
>>flexible than JS is in fact a very good thing for the kind of software
>>that we, at IdyLog, develop.
>>But, to quote a popular series, "we are running out of time".
>>I fully understand that you value "independence from layers of
>>management". I understand that you want to give power of decision to
>>everyone. It is a great and noble goal.
>>And I fully support it in the domains of education, civil rights, freedom
>>of thought/speech, criticism, politics, artistic creativity, academic
>>research... everything intellectual and/or related to personal life but
>>away from economic/profits concerns.
>>The reality of my kind of company is : can I deliver an operational,
>>functional, reliable, cheap solution in 5 weeks from scratch ? (or, as an
>>architect, since we like to think about us as "digital architects" : can
>>I have this house build in 12 months from scratch and under budget ? And
>>we are not talking about building the next Chicago Art Museum ! Just an
>>ordinary house !). That is why we cannot live without a reliable "faucet
>>catalog" (and windows, and doors, and stairs and ready-to-use concrete
>>formula and tiles etc.).
>>We try to think "craftsmen" when we are in the conception phase, and
>>think "industrial" when building the software (ever heard of "maintenance
>>fees" from an architect ? Not me !).
>>I would be quite happy if FlexJS could provide us with a reliable
>>migration path (especially regarding UI components).
>>As an example, it would be VERY useful to have a table showing, for each
>>class from Flex SDK (that's a lot !),
>>- the corresponding flexJS class if any (same API, same functionality,
>>the class name might be identical or different)
>>- if no corresponding class, the equivalent FlexJS class (with a detailed
>>enumeration of differences between the two, plus examples, and for each
>>strand, all the available beads)
>>- if no equivalent, a suggested best-fit equivalent from an existing
>>third-party JS library (with a short enumeration of differences)
>>- if none of the above is available, a suggestion on how an equivalent
>>class could be constructed (inheritance/composition clues)
>>- the Flex SDK version number of the original class + link to reference
>>- the FlexJS SDK version number of the target class + link to reference
>>(I wrote "class", it obviously applies to interfaces too).
>>For each FlexJS "equivalent" class, it should read :
>>- whether the equivalent is JS only, or JS/SWF, or SWF only
>>Such a document would be a great help in migration.
>>Best regards,
>>Nicolas Granon
>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>> De : Alex Harui 
>>> [<>]
>>> Envoyé : jeudi 28 septembre 2017 22:32
>>> À :<>; 
>>> Objet : Re: [FlexJS] Guidelines for implementation of layout containers
>>> and navigation containers
>>> Hi Nicolas,
>>> The Application developer is not required to use composition.  They are
>>> most welcome to use inheritance just like in regular Flex and in fact,
>>> the MXML component workflow is the same as regular Flex and based on
>>> inheritance.
>>> You are correct about the Faucet analogy.  Faucet developers are
>>> Component developers in FlexJS are are encouraged to compose new
>>> faucets out of different smaller pieces (choose a metal, choose a
>>> handle, choose pipe size).  What we don't have is a shopping catalog of
>>> faucets (popular
>>> components) mainly because we are too new to have any metrics about
>>> popularity.  If you choose FlexJS you will be one of our first
>>> reviewers.
>>> For sure, React has much better support right now because it has the
>>> money to pay people to do it.  Apache projects are volunteer/community
>>> driven, not corporation driven, and in our case we don't have the money
>>> and need folks to pitch in.  In return for pitching in, you get more
>>> control.  You get to have the bugs fixed you need fixed if you know how
>>> to fix them, no layers of management in your way.
>>> HTH,
>>> -Alex
>>> On 9/28/17, 12:43 PM, "Idylog - Nicolas Granon" 
>>> <<>>
>>> wrote:
>>> >Hi Piotr,
>>> >
>>> >Many thanks for your help.
>>> >
>>> >We are not interested *at all* in SWF compatibility or alignment
>>> >between a SWF and a JS version.
>>> >Our goal is to migrate our browser-based applications catalog out of
>>> >Flash player. We will keep AIR apps (desktop/mobile) under the
>>> Flex/AIR
>>> >hood. Common libraries (which usually do not have any UI) will be
>>> >upgraded to mixed-mode when necessary (and if possible ! If not
>>> >possible
>>> >- or too complicated - we will have two versions, of for SWF, and one
>>> >for JS).
>>> >
>>> >So maybe our best bet is to work on the integration of existing JS-
>>> only
>>> >UI components... (MDL, jQuery etc.)
>>> >
>>> >It would be nice if we had some clues about which JS UI library (or
>>> >libraries) would be the closest to Flex-SWF components in terms of
>>> >functionalities.
>>> >
>>> >(we would not like to have to pick from half a dozen different
>>> >libraries ! We like things simple and powerful !).
>>> >
>>> >We found Sensha UI libraries very nice, but wayyyy too expensive (but
>>> >we do not mind paying a reasonable license price).
>>> >
>>> >We develop only enterprise management software (no games, no
>>> "personal"
>>> >utilities) and the components that we use the most are Datagrid,
>>> >HierarchicalDatagrid (very important), Forms (FormItem etc.),
>>> >Validators (and custom validators), DropdownList... I will not
>>> >enumerate all of them but you understand our needs... Localization is
>>> >also very important to us
>>> >(ResourceManager) and also quick and flexible layout management (but
>>> we
>>> >never use "custom" layouts).
>>> >On the other hand, visual skinning is not the most important thing. In
>>> >our world, the most important thing is reliability, performance, and
>>> >ease of use. Cosmetics comes at the bottom of our wishlist (even if it
>>> >is somehow related to ease of use).
>>> >
>>> >Another problem we face (for custom components) is dealing with
>>> >composition vs inheritance.
>>> >The concept is *intellectually* cleaner. No doubt about this.
>>> >But for the conceptors/implementors, what was initially very simple
>>> >(find the closest existing component, extend it, override what you
>>> need
>>> >to, add missing parts) suddenly becomes very very complicated because
>>> >you have to guess what are the existing parts you should assemble
>>> >(compose) among the hundreds of existing parts...(some of them already
>>> >composed...!). In the "classic" Flex world, component compositing was
>>> >used for...composed components ! (components with multiple functional
>>> >"areas")  Not for standalone components.
>>> >We feel like a contractor building a house, who needs to install and
>>> >tweak a faucet, and instead of having to choose between four "kind" of
>>> >faucets we suddenly have to imagine and assemble a never-seen-before
>>> >faucet by choosing between all possible kinds of pipes, all possible
>>> >kinds of rubber, all possible kinds of metal, all possible kinds of
>>> >knobs...
>>> >
>>> >I would like to say that our job is not to *build* tools but to
>>> >*choose* tools in order to build usable software solutions. We are
>>> >"house contractors", not "faucet contractors". We need a "faucet
>>> >catalog" (UI
>>> >library) with well defined characteristics. If necessary, we can
>>> >slightly tweak it (custom item renderer is the most common need).
>>> >
>>> >Meanwhile, we are also testing ReactJS (although not a real framework
>>> >but, again, our main issue is the UI part) and I must say that
>>> >documentation, samples, contribution and community activity is very
>>> >impressive...(not event talking about robustness and performance). At
>>> >some point, rewriting our business logic in TypeScript (yes, we are
>>> >testing with TypeScript because we want to stick to strongly typed
>>> >code, classes...etc... and it works surprisingly well) might prove
>>> more
>>> >reliable, and not necessary more expensive... I personally prefers AS3
>>> >over TypeScript (easier to read, no "fancy" syntax, cleaner handling
>>> of
>>> >"this"...) but TS is not bad at all.
>>> >
>>> >But we are going on in our tests and give a try to MDL (or another) +
>>> >flexJS.
>>> >
>>> >Best regards,
>>> >
>>> >Nicolas Granon
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >> -----Message d'origine-----
>>> >> De : Piotr Zarzycki 
>>> >> [<>]
>>> >> Envoyé : jeudi 28 septembre 2017 19:08 À : 
>>> >><>
>>> >> Objet : Re: [FlexJS] Guidelines for implementation of layout
>>> >> containers and navigation containers
>>> >>
>>> >> Hi Nicolas,
>>> >>
>>> >> I believe my answer will only partially satisfy you. About
>>> containers
>>> >> exists in FlexJS (Royale) you can read more here [1]. I would
>>> >> strongly suggest look first on our examples [2]. We do not have
>>> >> ViewStack container, so I believe that is something which can be
>>> >> implemented and maybe pushed to our repository. We definitely suffer
>>> >> for a lack of documentation, when I was started to dig into the
>>> >> framework I simply look into how actually each component is
>>> >> implemented [3] - architecture is pretty clean in my opinion and
>>> more
>>> >> composition oriented than inheritance. Quite helpful can be this
>>> >> website [4] - That is the slight description about our main
>>> principle PAYG.
>>> >>
>>> >> As for the components itself there are module Basic [3] which
>>> >> contains our native components which should look same in SWF and JS,
>>> >> but as you probably know it is not fully true and not necessary
>>> should be.
>>> >>
>>> >> There is also module MDL [5][6][7][8] which is wrapper around
>>> >> existing components + some implementation of some additional things
>>> >> like "dataProvider" in List. Encourage you to look into the code of
>>> >> components as I suggested it for Basic. This module do not have SWF
>>> >> representation - it is simply compile to JS only.
>>> >>
>>> >>  I hope we will be better and better with documentation and some day
>>> >> new users will not have to dig into the code. I can say also from my
>>> >> experience that once you will figure out how everything is working
>>> >> productivity is quite good.
>>> >>
>>> >> [1]
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> i
>>> >>.ap
>>> >><>%2Fconfluence%2Fdisplay%2FFLEX%2FFlexJS%2BContainer%2BClass&d
>>> a
>>> >>ta=
>>> >>02%7C01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d44a9ea01408d506a92688%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed
>>> 2
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>>> >>8decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636422245942183624&sdata=yA85mg2rRcco0Vi8GBG3Xruu84
>>> A
>>> >>q88
>>> >>7xFTPSj2DuB%2B0%3D&reserved=0
>>> >> es+and+Layouts
>>> >> [2]
>>> >>
>>> u
>>> >>b.c
>>> >>om%2Fapache%2Froyale-
>>> asjs%2Ftree%2Fdevelop%2Fexamples%2Fflexjs&data=02
>>> >>%7C
>>> >>01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d44a9ea01408d506a92688%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178
>>> d
>>> >>ece
>>> >>e1%7C0%7C0%7C636422245942183624&sdata=gkPyRWavwCQn1TPRxlGY2CeJR6MDc%2
>>> B
>>> >>t1Y
>>> >>YMHGPVL7jA%3D&reserved=0
>>> >> [3]
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> u
>>> >>b.c
>>> >>om%2Fapache%2Froyale-
>>> &data=02%7C01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d44a9ea01408d506a926
>>> >>88%
>>> >>7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636422245942183624&sdata
>>> =
>>> >>xB2
>>> >>5CrfMRtSEC4db618sIQL%2Bv4aSGRjiMtzCPMiO4Ho%3D&reserved=0
>>> >>
>>> >>asjs/tree/develop/frameworks/projects/Basic/src/main/flex/org/apache/
>>> f
>>> >>l
>>> >> ex/html
>>> >> [4]
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> i
>>> >>.ap
>>> >><>%2Fconfluence%2Fpages%2Fviewpage.action%3FpageId%3D710130&dat
>>> a
>>> >>=02
>>> >>%7C01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d44a9ea01408d506a92688%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c
>>> 1
>>> >>78d
>>> >>ecee1%7C0%7C0%7C636422245942183624&sdata=KfoKzSCU5HYXDl492BvyU7a8lQTz
>>> L
>>> >>8KG
>>> >>N7kM0uCu2z4%3D&reserved=0
>>> >> 28
>>> >> [5]
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> u
>>> >>b.c
>>> >>om%2Fapache%2Froyale-
>>> &data=02%7C01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d44a9ea01408d506a926
>>> >>88%
>>> >>7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636422245942183624&sdata
>>> =
>>> >>xB2
>>> >>5CrfMRtSEC4db618sIQL%2Bv4aSGRjiMtzCPMiO4Ho%3D&reserved=0
>>> >>
>>> >>asjs/tree/develop/frameworks/projects/MaterialDesignLite/src/main/fle
>>> x
>>> >>/
>>> >> org/apache/flex/mdl
>>> >> [6]
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> u
>>> >>b.c
>>> >>om%2Fapache%2Froyale-
>>> &data=02%7C01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d44a9ea01408d506a926
>>> >>88%
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>>> =
>>> >>xB2
>>> >>5CrfMRtSEC4db618sIQL%2Bv4aSGRjiMtzCPMiO4Ho%3D&reserved=0
>>> >> asjs/tree/develop/examples/flexjs/MDLExample
>>> >> [7]
>>> >>
>>> d
>>> >>l.i
>>> >>o%2Fcomponents%2Findex.html&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d44a9ea01408d
>>> 5
>>> >>06a
>>> >>92688%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636422245942183624
>>> &
>>> >>sda
>>> >>ta=U6IQ%2Fikcn61Row6PjP%2FLF%2F4kqle2pe4U%2BEgAuxMfL90%3D&reserved=0
>>> >> [8]
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> i
>>> >>.ap
>>> >><>%2Fconfluence%2Fdisplay%2FFLEX%2FTable%2BOf%2BComponents&data
>>> =
>>> >>02%
>>> >>7C01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d44a9ea01408d506a92688%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c1
>>> 7
>>> >>8de
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>>> D
>>> >>Lai
>>> >>3UM8LpiO7APc%3D&reserved=0
>>> >>
>>> >> Thanks, Piotr
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> 2017-09-28 17:58 GMT+02:00 Idylog - Nicolas Granon
>>> >> <<>>:
>>> >>
>>> >> > We need to « re-implement » a ViewStack container component class
>>> >> > for use in a FlexJS (test) project.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Is there a general walkthrough explaining (in details) the
>>> >> > principles when creating a container component for FlexJS (we are
>>> >> > mostly interested in the js output, not SWF).
>>> >> >
>>> >> > We have read the docs at
>>> >> >
>>> >>
>>> i
>>> >>.ap
>>> >><>%2Fconfluence%2Fdisplay%2FFLEX%2FCreating%2BComponents&data=0
>>> 2
>>> >>%7C
>>> >>01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d44a9ea01408d506a92688%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178
>>> d
>>> >>ece
>>> >>e1%7C0%7C0%7C636422245942183624&sdata=eSUv4Bg4Ng7VafkTTbVk1lZoLzLHc8v
>>> u
>>> >>tx5
>>> >>PB%2Btmt94%3D&reserved=0
>>> >> > but it is rather control-oriented  (textInput, SliderŠ).
>>> >> >
>>> >> > We also plan to have TabNavigator etc. but I believe that we can
>>> >> > recreate a ViewStack container, creating other containers won¹t be
>>> >> > so
>>> >> difficult.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Also, is there some document around explaining how to implement
>>> >> layout
>>> >> > containers ? (as opposed to navigation containers).
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Or maybe we do not have the correct approach and reimplementing MX
>>> >> > components does not fit in the ³FlexJS² philosophy ?
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Many thanks in advance
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Nicolas Granon
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >>
>>> >> Piotr Zarzycki
>>> >>
>>> >> mobile: +48 880 859 557
>>> >> skype: zarzycki10
>>> >>
>>> >> LinkedIn:
>>> >>
>>> i
>>> >>nke
>>> >><>%2Fpiotrzarzycki&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d44a9ea01408d506a
>>> 9
>>> >>268
>>> >>8%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636422245942183624&sda
>>> t
>>> >>a=S
>>> >>ggb%2FVIn%2B0dBskPJ%2BZfJtXnRRrATLh1SHlamyGV58zM%3D&reserved=0
>>> >>
>>> >><
>>> l
>>> >>ink
>>> >><>%2Fin%2Fpiotr-zarzycki-
>>> 92a53552&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d4
>>> >>4a9
>>> >>ea01408d506a92688%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636422
>>> 2
>>> >>459
>>> >>42183624&sdata=tSGDWZ5AhBPECbf1%2Fy9R2u9N4qwJ03VBhzwzNsPTcCM%3D&reser
>>> v
>>> >>ed=
>>> >>0>
>>> >>
>>> >> GitHub:
>>> >>
>>> u
>>> >>b.c
>>> >>om%2Fpiotrzarzycki21&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cab4e20a981d44a9ea01408d506a926
>>> 8
>>> >>8%7
>>> >>Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636422245942183624&sdata=
>>> l
>>> >>Mum
>>> >>yqy%2BFrMov66HlNTEAg1eIymQuVPlyd0%2FCWNT%2B6s%3D&reserved=0
>>> >

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