
>  Looking at the various crash reports generated
> by the iPad, I have attached five different crashes that I logged.  In my
> estimation, Apple is kicking the app out because it is not responding to
> something in the appropriate amount of time, but I have not a clue what it
> is, how to debug it, or where to look to address it. 

Looks that this is the case - see [1].

Sorry it’s a little hard to suggest how to track this downs other than to play 
with the application and see if you can reproduce it. I you can reproduce 
perhaps remove the frequency of calls to the backend and see if that helps? Or 
perhaps it could be related to calls that return a large amount of information 
and take a long time to parse the result? Perhaps your server is overloaded? Do 
you log any information on long requests server side? From a quick look it 
looks like 10 seconds is the magic value. Also looks like the program is trying 
to do too much when it is running in the background, try to reduce what it does 
when it is in this state. It seem 10 seconds is the magic time out from those 
error messages.

Good luck!


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