Hi Paul,

the example you posted is easy to do nowadays with current Royale in
development branch. You can take a try with Jewel or emulation components.
You'll be surprised of how far Royale is this days :).



El mar., 10 mar. 2020 a las 5:28, Alex Harui (<aha...@adobe.com.invalid>)

> While it may be that someone offers a GUI IDE some day for Royale, there
> is are some other approaches, one that has been prototyped, and one that
> wasn't possible with Flash Player.
> IIRC, one prototype adds some things to your app that allow you to edit
> the x/y/width/height in your MXML and immediately see the results in the
> browser.
> The other approach is to write a bead that can track your MXML from the
> browser so you can use the browser tools to modify the UI and hit some
> button that will then update the MXML.
> There are some limitations to these approaches which is why none are
> available at this time.  The main one is that use of view states greatly
> complicates these approaches (as it does for a GUI IDE as well).  So one
> question for you, are you using view states (mx:State)?
> -Alex
> On 3/9/20, 8:26 PM, "Paul Stearns" <pa...@compuace.com.INVALID> wrote:
>     Regarding a GUI IDE, in one application, one of the larger modules has
> 1,390 lines of mxml code. One of 10 tabs in that module has 29 enterable
> "fields" another tab has over 50 enterable fields.
>     Attempting to create complex screens which are usable for the type of
> data entry these systems are used for would be difficult at best without
> using a GUI editor. If you are designing traditional web applications where
> everything is stacked and the user scrolls forever then yes you can do that
> without a GUI IDE. If however you want to design highly usable business
> applications deployed to thin clients (to use an ancient phrase) you need
> GUI tools to be productive.
>     My initial test application (very simplistic) for Royale can be found
> here, be sure to click everything; (If something doesn't work as expected,
> let me know, no data is stored)
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fflex.yozyo.net%2FTestModule%2Fbin-release%2FMain.html%3Ftest%3D123&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C2d118f114b934f5c2b7f08d7c4a2d308%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C1%7C637194075912239790&amp;sdata=iA9Av%2FhjDmDmMqdRVgsb2wb33Eqq8G7VVpbQ1cQDJ%2Bg%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     Some of the The features I am looking for include canvas with x/y
> placement of items, multiple panels up simultaneously, etc.
>     Paul R. Stearns
>     Advanced Consulting Enterprises, Inc.
>     15280 NW 79th Ct.
>     Suite 250
>     Miami Lakes, Fl 33016
>     Voice: (305)623-0360 x107
>     Fax: (305)623-4588
>     ----------------------------------------
>     From: Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
>     Sent: 3/9/20 6:14 PM
>     To: users@flex.apache.org, Paul Stearns <pa...@compuace.com>
>     Subject: Re: [Spam] :Re: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?
>     Hi Paul,
>     many years ago I must say that was completely true, for that reason I
>     started trying to introduce in my clients and projects Flash and AMF in
>     early 2000, first with Flash authoring tool, then with MTASC (someone
>     remember it? ;)), and then Flex was really what we just needed. That
> was
>     very disruptive compared with the html/js/css stack at that time.
>     Currently that's not true. Near 2020, js is like the bytecode in Flash
> and
>     Royale is the current Flex. So it's clear that you don't need to go
> very
>     "low level", but if you needed, you can do it! (and that's good). But
>     Royale should allow you to develop without the need to go that route.
> and
>     just use good proven patterns like Flex did. We're working towards
>     that...and I think we're already got it. :)
>     About GUI IDE, although I think is something very cool to have
> something
>     like that, I abandoned that kind of tools many years ago. Maybe in the
>     future I could be working in something like that, just for pleasure,
> but
>     for now there's still many work to do in Royale in things more needed.
>     Maybe others could drive that effort... But I really think the current
>     Royale coding is very straight forward to do. As well examples like
> Tour De
>     Jewel has a lot of code to see how things should be used and learn
> from it
>     a lot of good practices.
>     El lun., 9 mar. 2020 a las 22:48, Paul Stearns ()
>     escribió:
>     > What attracted me to Flex initially was that it ran in its own
>     > environment, completely separate from the html, web browser and their
>     > multitude of DOMs. I used to write apps in ASP/HTML, and every other
> week a
>     > new version of a browser would break something.
>     >
>     > For the type of applications I write & support, having a GUI IDE, a
>     > defined language (like as3 & mxml) and an engine which which provides
>     > consistent results across platforms are the most important features.
> At
>     > this point the weakness I see in Royale is there isn't a GUI IDE,
> and since
>     > it doesn't have its own engine, it relies on the vicissitudes of
> javascript
>     > and how the particular browser it is running in implements its DOM.
>     >
>     > This is why I shied away from .NET, and PHP in the past except for
> more
>     > traditional websites with a bit of user interaction. Javascript
> frameworks
>     > just hide the ugliness, they don't make it go away.
>     >
>     > Having said all of the above, I am taking a chance on Royale to see
> what
>     > the level of effort will be to convert to it.
>     >
>     > Paul R. Stearns
>     > Advanced Consulting Enterprises, Inc.
>     >
>     > 15280 NW 79th Ct.
>     > Suite 250
>     > Miami Lakes, Fl 33016
>     >
>     > Voice: (305)623-0360 x107
>     > Fax: (305)623-4588
>     >
>     > ----------------------------------------
>     > From: Carlos Rovira
>     > Sent: 3/9/20 4:55 PM
>     > To: Paul Stearns
>     > Cc: users@flex.apache.org
>     > Subject: Re: [Spam] :Re: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?
>     > Hi Paul,
>     >
>     > I suppose you refer to Java Applets, hope other could give more info
> about
>     > this, but although you're in part right, I think Flash Player is
> more well
>     > integrated in Browsers and Applets never had the power of Flash. But
> it's
>     > ok, you can enable in browsers... anyway, we 're in 2020 and seems
> things
>     > will continue its course, so nothing we can do to revert that.
>     >
>     > I always be a great advocate of the Flash platform, but I found in
> Royale
>     > something better that what we had with Flash. IMHO, we have the best
> of
>     > both worlds. From Flex/Flash I wanted the "development productivity",
>     > languages (AS3, MXML), compiler, AMF, and many other things. From
> web I
>     > always liked things like CSS (that's far superior than what we had
> in Flex
>     > for sure), and the fact that we are not constraint to a plugin and a
>     > sandbox, so it's more easy to do things for the web.
>     >
>     > We have both combined now in Royale, and that's for me amazing. As
> we get
>     > components with clear API definitions, and access to latest browsers
>     > features, we are getting the same productivity that we had in Flex,
> and as
>     > well we are removing the complexity in Browsers where you need to
> test in
>     > each browsers or lost time solving browser compatibility problems. We
>     > finally can have things like IoC (Inversion of Control), DI
> (Dependency
>     > Injection), Metadata, MXML, Routing (Deep Linking), LocalStorage
> (like old
>     > Local SharedObject), just to name a few.
>     >
>     > But even more, since the bead/strand Arquitecture is really
> powerful, and
>     > Apps build with royale are more easy to build that even was in
> Royale. And
>     > the most important: Performance: The apps built with Royale has an
>     > outstanding performance. Apps migrated from Flex use to be many XX%
> faster
>     > in Royale.
>     >
>     > I must say, I'm very happy with what we're getting with Apache
> Royale :)
>     >
>     > Carlos
>     >
>     > El lun., 9 mar. 2020 a las 20:46, Paul Stearns ()
>     > escribió:
>     >
>     > > I am investing Royale, but haven't seen any results yet.
>     > >
>     > > I am showing my ignorance here, but, my confusion is, will Java
> still be
>     > > deployable via web browsers? If so, what is the difference between
> using
>     > a
>     > > web browser to deploy a Java app, and a Flash app?
>     > >
>     > > Why couldn't Adobe/Harmon changed Flash to use the methodology
> Flash uses
>     > > for deployment?
>     > >
>     > > Paul R. Stearns
>     > > Advanced Consulting Enterprises, Inc.
>     > >
>     > > 15280 NW 79th Ct.
>     > > Suite 250
>     > > Miami Lakes, Fl 33016
>     > >
>     > > Voice: (305)623-0360 x107
>     > > Fax: (305)623-4588
>     > >
>     > > ------------------------------
>     > > *From*: Carlos Rovira
>     > > *Sent*: 3/9/20 3:31 PM
>     > > *To*: users@flex.apache.org, Paul Stearns
>     > > *Subject*: [Spam] :Re: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?
>     > > Hi Paul,
>     > >
>     > > must say don't know what's the actual support of Adobe for Flash
> Player,
>     > > or if it will left to Harman as part of the AIR deal, maybe Andrew
> can
>     > give
>     > > some light on this. Since Flash will be just present on AIR, and
> not in
>     > any
>     > > other place, that could have sense. But that will mean more
> maintenance
>     > > effort and people needed by Harman.
>     > >
>     > > Anyway, donating to Apache has no sense at all, since Flash Player
> has
>     > > many licensed closed source parts that can't be open source, or at
> least
>     > > that's what they always says. But again...donating Flash Player and
>     > making
>     > > it OS, if it could be something doable at some point (let's go
> utopic ;),
>     > > does not change anything, since Browser vendors are closing plugin
> doors.
>     > > So even in that case, it continue to be a death end.
>     > >
>     > > I think Apache Royale is this days in a very good shape, and is
> better
>     > > each day... so I maybe people should give a try and consider it as
> an
>     > > option for the future.
>     > >
>     > > Thanks
>     > >
>     > > El lun., 9 mar. 2020 a las 20:04, Paul Stearns ()
>     > > escribió:
>     > >
>     > >> Has Adobe stopped supporting it, and has not turned it over to
> Apache?
>     > >> Now that is just unconscionable.
>     > >>
>     > >> Paul R. Stearns
>     > >> Advanced Consulting Enterprises, Inc.
>     > >>
>     > >> 15280 NW 79th Ct.
>     > >> Suite 250
>     > >> Miami Lakes, Fl 33016
>     > >>
>     > >> Voice: (305)623-0360 x107
>     > >> Fax: (305)623-4588
>     > >>
>     > >> ----------------------------------------
>     > >> From: Carlos Rovira
>     > >> Sent: 3/9/20 1:28 PM
>     > >> To: users@flex.apache.org, Paul Stearns
>     > >> Subject: Re: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?
>     > >> Hi Paul,
>     > >>
>     > >> not bad idea, but don't know a browser that will support Flash,
> and the
>     > >> problem is Adobe is stopping supporting flash player as a plugin,
> so I'm
>     > >> afraid that's not possible.
>     > >>
>     > >> El lun., 9 mar. 2020 a las 17:40, Paul Stearns ()
>     > >> escribió:
>     > >>
>     > >> > Better yet, how about supporting a browser whose main feature
> is the
>     > >> > support of Flex?
>     > >> >
>     > >> > My applications are 99.9% flex. The main things I use the
> browser for
>     > is
>     > >> > application deployment, file upload/download and displaying PDF
>     > files..
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Paul R. Stearns
>     > >> > Advanced Consulting Enterprises, Inc.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > 15280 NW 79th Ct.
>     > >> > Suite 250
>     > >> > Miami Lakes, Fl 33016
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Voice: (305)623-0360 x107
>     > >> > Fax: (305)623-4588
>     > >> >
>     > >> > ----------------------------------------
>     > >> > From: Carlos Rovira
>     > >> > Sent: 3/9/20 10:09 AM
>     > >> > To: users@flex.apache.org
>     > >> > Subject: Re: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?
>     > >> > Hi Andrew,
>     > >> >
>     > >> > When Dec, 31th arrives, Flex will be out of browsers, so just
> allowed
>     > >> using
>     > >> > AIR. Maybe AIR could have an option to bundle Apache Flex with
> each
>     > >> version
>     > >> > that ensures all work right. I mean, in 2021, Apache Flex will
> not
>     > have
>     > >> > sense with AIR right? so why not to think in something that
> ease even
>     > >> more
>     > >> > AIR+Flex marriage? Of course a version without Flex should have
> sense
>     > >> too
>     > >> > for people that does not use Flex at all.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Make that sense?
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Thanks
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Carlos
>     > >> >
>     > >> > El lun., 9 mar. 2020 a las 14:45, Frost, Andrew ()
>     > >> > escribió:
>     > >> >
>     > >> > > Hi
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > We'd be happy to add things like this geometry API change -
> but it's
>     > >> then
>     > >> > > going to be version-dependent so it would need to be compiled
>     > against
>     > >> the
>     > >> > > later AIR SDK and would only run on the later AIR runtime..
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > I'm not sure whether there are other changes that would really
>     > impact
>     > >> the
>     > >> > > Flex SDK itself. So perhaps we can consider these on a
> case-by-case
>     > >> > basis.
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > The one thing I keep coming back to though, is that it seems
> to be a
>     > >> very
>     > >> > > painful process for (a) people to download and start using a
> new AIR
>     > >> SDK,
>     > >> > > and (b) people who then have to combine a Flex SDK with an
>     > >> So we
>     > >> > > should perhaps address this in the first instance (and from
> our QA
>     > >> folk,
>     > >> > > having a simple way to ensure you get back to a clean version
> of
>     > >> one/both
>     > >> > > of these SDKs would be good too!)
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > Any other thoughts on missing features or things that would be
>     > useful,
>     > >> > > please send them in!
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > thanks
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > Andrew
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > -----Original Message-----
>     > >> > > From: Piotr Zarzycki
>     > >> > > Sent: 09 March 2020 13:01
>     > >> > > To: users@flex.apache.org
>     > >> > > Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > Hi Andrew,
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > This kind of situation may occur more often in the future if
> Air
>     > would
>     > >> > > have more and more features. Is there any plan to someone
> from your
>     > >> Team
>     > >> > > simply add missing stuff to Flex? Any thoughts on this
> approach?
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > Thanks,
>     > >> > > Piotr
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > On Mon, Mar 9, 2020, 1:49 PM Frost, Andrew
>     > >> > > wrote:
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > > Hi Olaf
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > > > I think it would be nice if any AIR updates would be
> compatible
>     > >> with
>     > >> > > > > the
>     > >> > > > latest Flex SDK
>     > >> > > > Yes completely agree, this was an error on our part to not
>     > consider
>     > >> > > > the fact that overrides of the APIs that we were changing
> would
>     > have
>     > >> > > > been affected. The changes were reverted, and we have
>     > re-implemented
>     > >> > > > the new functionality within additional APIs/methods so that
>     > >> existing
>     > >> > > > apps will now compile/run without any changes on the
>     > >> release.
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > > We definitely intend that there is still full compatibility
>     > between
>     > >> > > > Flex and any changes we make with AIR.. so thanks to
> leokan23 and
>     > >> Alex
>     > >> > > > for bringing this to our attention!
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > > thanks
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > > Andrew
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > > -----Original Message-----
>     > >> > > > From: Olaf Krueger
>     > >> > > > Sent: 06 March 2020 20:30
>     > >> > > > To: users@flex.apache.org
>     > >> > > > Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Flex 4.16.1 broken for AIR33.1?
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > > Hi,
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > > I didn't follow the entire discussion, but I'd like to
> mention
>     > that
>     > >> I
>     > >> > > > am not sure if we still have enough volunteers which are
> willing
>     > to
>     > >> > > > work on a new Flex release.
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > > That said, I think it would be nice if any AIR updates
> would be
>     > >> > > > compatible with the latest Flex SDK... as long as it's
> possible.
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > > Thanks,
>     > >> > > > Olaf
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > > > --
>     > >> > > > Sent from:
>     > >> > > >
>     > >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fclicktime.symantec.com%2F3T23VtMr4Dz6j6DqBbgaf5T7Vc%3Fu%3Dhttp%253A%252F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C2d118f114b934f5c2b7f08d7c4a2d308%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C1%7C637194075912239790&amp;sdata=VNLYBUe1LJaLdwUrgqOC6YZsYufcwhlivkiljxQTyE8%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     > >> > > > %2Fapache-flex-users.2333346.n4.nabble.com%2F
>     > >> > > >
>     > >> > >
>     > >> >
>     > >> > --
>     > >> > Carlos Rovira
>     > >> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C2d118f114b934f5c2b7f08d7c4a2d308%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C1%7C637194075912239790&amp;sdata=M2iILzk8UGcWyJ6WHBJPaFpVk%2B7f%2Bg2V2O4dD3RHtTc%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     > >> >
>     > >> >
>     > >> >
>     > >>
>     > >> --
>     > >> Carlos Rovira
>     > >>
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C2d118f114b934f5c2b7f08d7c4a2d308%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C1%7C637194075912249784&amp;sdata=QQrsLW%2B%2BScKRSe4vFxghzris7E1zv5ZLoRhe0KGJp%2Fo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     > >>
>     > >>
>     > >>
>     > >
>     > > --
>     > > Carlos Rovira
>     > >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C2d118f114b934f5c2b7f08d7c4a2d308%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C1%7C637194075912249784&amp;sdata=QQrsLW%2B%2BScKRSe4vFxghzris7E1zv5ZLoRhe0KGJp%2Fo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     > >
>     > >
>     >
>     > --
>     > Carlos Rovira
>     >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C2d118f114b934f5c2b7f08d7c4a2d308%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C1%7C637194075912249784&amp;sdata=QQrsLW%2B%2BScKRSe4vFxghzris7E1zv5ZLoRhe0KGJp%2Fo%3D&amp;reserved=0
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     --
>     Carlos Rovira
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C2d118f114b934f5c2b7f08d7c4a2d308%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C1%7C637194075912249784&amp;sdata=QQrsLW%2B%2BScKRSe4vFxghzris7E1zv5ZLoRhe0KGJp%2Fo%3D&amp;reserved=0

Carlos Rovira

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