On 02/26/2011 12:45 PM, Marc Grober wrote:
btw, I did not find an updated tool inside LO 3.3 (OSX) though the OOo fork 
that I had been using beforehand did have one (PC) - though it installed over 
3.3 without any problem, an automated update is, well, warm and fuzzy. Will 
that be coming back?
I did not see one when I was downloading the 3.3.1 files to update the DVD project I am working on. I did notice that the MacOSX installs now include the en-US language pack, instead of installing it separately for the 3.3.0 version.

The "funny" thing was I had the install page on the DVD project almost finalized and the next day I had download the 3.3.1 files and update the links, plus upload all those file to the demo DVD pages online.


I do like the "warm and fuzzy" approach for updating my system, but for now I am going to do the full installs of the LibreOffice updates, instead of going though the repository updates with Ubuntu [11.4 and beyond] when they come out.

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