Hi :)
The documentation team have access to a lot of good guides.  Jean sent me this 
about macros

" ...
good resources forpeople who want serious info on macros. (Shameless plug for 


ODFauthors are considering how to best approach writing documentation that is 
relevant to both OOo and LO and identically the same in both.  Obviously some 
guides need a lot of modifications (such as just deleting chunks where OOo is 
lagging behind and has not added the functionality developed by LO devs) but 
apparently macros are likely to develop along an identically same path for both 
projects.  Andrew Pitonyak's guide is apparently the best for macros so it's 
worth bookmarking or downloading or something. 

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Ryan Jendoubi <do...@btinternet.com>
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Cc: Ryan Jendoubi <ryan.jendo...@gmail.com>
Sent: Fri, 1 July, 2011 10:28:37
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Match cell against any of range of regexes?

Hi Stephan,

On 01/07/11 10:00, Stephan Zietsman wrote:
> I've had a look at the spreadsheet, and tried a few formulas.  It
> seems that to do this with formulas is quite tricky and unfortunately
> I couldn't get it done.  I tried a few different approaches and I
> think it is technically possible.  However, I also think that it would
> take quite some time to write such a formula (if it is indeed
> possible).
> As was mentioned before, it can be done with macros.  Would you
> consider using a macro instead?

Continued thanks for all your efforts. If I could whip up a macro like buttered 
toast I'd do so, but unfortunately for me that would first involve giving 
a grounding in writing bespoke LO macros. I can however write a bit of Perl, 
I've started trying to tackle the problem that way :-) Although I think I'll 
have to finish the current batch by hand for now, because unlike writing code 
least that has a definite end point...

LO macros would definitely be a good skill to learn eventually, even if it's 
at the top of my todo list at the moment. I haven't yet searched for any 
tutorials or the like, but I'd be interested to hear if you have any personal 
favourites which you think would suit someone who knows general programming and 
just needs an intro to the syntax, conventions and frameworks / objects 
in LO scripting.

That said, I've noticed there are at least four different languages one can 
I don't know if any of them would allow writing scripts which are broadly 
cross-compatible with other office suites (even if a little tweaking is needed) 
but my preference would be for that, so I could help non-LO-using friends and 

Thanks again and best regards,


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