On 07/01/2011 04:09 PM, Eric wrote:
> Le 30/06/2011 01:44, planas wrote:
>> On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 14:59 -0700, Eric wrote:
>>> Hi Jay,
>>> I unfortunately must keep this document as a docx file, because
>>> it's a working document that I need to check and modify, before
>>> sending it back to his owner (who obviously uses MS Word).
>>> --
>> A possible work around is to save the file in odt, then open and
>> edit it. Then save as docx or doc. Doc files are better understood
>> and easier to handle. Also, doc files can be opened by the current
>> version of MS Word. Unless the files contain Word 2007/2010
>> specific features, this could work.
> Hi, that's what i did, unfortunately it doesn't prevent lowriter from
> crashing.
> Here are 2 another strace logs :
> 1- http://dl.free.fr/b6M830KIY (crash right from the beginning) 2-
> http://dl.free.fr/ai9UYfNXm (random crash while i was working on the
> document)
> Is anyone here who can read them and understand what is the problem
> (which really prevents me from working with LibreOffice) ?

They are segmentation faults. I'd recommend trying 3.4.1 and see if that
solves your problem:
You can leave your existing Ubuntu LO in place.

Just download the .deb (including the help .deb). In nautilus, right
click on the .tz and select 'Extract here'. Then go to:
LibO_3.4.1rc3_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US/DEBS in a terminal and:

$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Do the same for the help files:

After you've installed (again in the terminal):

$ cd /opt/libreoffice3.4/program
$ gksu gedit bootstraprc

Modify the following line:


Save the file & exit gedit. This will have LO 3.4 use the
~/.libreoffice/3.4 for your user profile and will not interfere with
your existing Ubuntu LO 3.3 at .libreoffice/3.

Again in the terminal:
$ /opt/libreoffice3.4/program/soffice

That will bring up 3.4.1 & you can try your .docx that crashes
immediately. Let us know how that goes. If if works, then you can create
an Applications|Office menu for 3.4.

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