Hi, there
I am using LibreOffice 3.4.3 on Windows 7, i am moving my ogranization
office suite to LibreOffice from ms-office, but having some issues with
large excel files, most of the excel files works very very slow with
libreoffice, i have searched google but unable to find the solutions, you
can download sample file from the following URL which i have uploaded to my
organization website.

(File Size: Around 8 MB )

This is lowest size which i have, if i open this file in excel it works
well, but when i try to open it with LibreOffice Calc application it works
very slow, i have also tried it with OpenOffice 3.3 but still the issue is

I have also tried converting it to the .ODS using fileconverter.com, file
size dramatically reduced (Around 300kb only) but still it takes around 15
min to open the file, and after opening if i move cursor it take lot of time
to move from one screen to another screen.

(MY PC Configuration is enough good, so the configuration is not an issue,
as i have also tried it on IBM X3400 SERVER's with 16 GB Memory)


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