Am 25.09.2011 23:59, Bill Gradwohl wrote:
On 09/25/2011 12:37 PM, Cor Nouws wrote:
However, the file turns out to have 41472 empty (?) graphics on the
second sheet ...

This "creation" of objects is earily similar to the problems I
encountered where I would have numerous hidden buttons on a spreadsheet
that I never created. My document was created and used only under OO /
LO, never Excel.

The 8 MB are made of thin air? Someone copied 3 objects "Text 1", "Text 2" and "Text 3" and then held Ctrl+V. Apart from this binary shit storm, there are hundreds of different cell formats in this tiny and most trivial spreadsheet. It's the usual Excel madness were computer illiterate people edit the same instance of a document thousands of times never using templates, scenarios nor styles.

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