Am 03.10.2011 11:34, e-letter wrote:

For those seeking to use LO as an m$ clone, either make a donation to
LO for the time you are wasting for LO compatibility with m$ or
preferably, pay m$ and continue to use m$ products. When you find m$
formats 2010, 2011, 95, rtf, pptx, ppty, pptz are incompatible, please
send your requests to m$, not here.

This should be emphasized over and over again. Importing MS Office formats reasonably well is just one extra to this office suite which is a completely different program that is entirely built around a completely free set of file formats. Being the world-wide second best editor for doc/xls/ppt is a secondary aspect. It is required to do the transition away from those file formats which of course happens against the interest of Microsoft.

"Compatibility" of any kind can not be a one-way-street.
If MS realy wanted to support ODF perfectly, it would be a matter of weeks because their software is powerful enough to cover almost every single aspect of our file format. They could ask the OOo/LibO community for all kinds of help if they really wanted (no, they must not want this!). ODF is not designed for one particular office software. It is a file format which is not too complex and free of legal implications. ODF does not imply that the interpreting software works in the exact same ways as any other software. All this is not true for MS Office formats which are built around one particular, very huge and most complex office suite. Any other program which wants to be 100% compatible needs to work exactly the same as that other suite which would be far beyond reasonable effort. Just take the mere size of the multi-lingual download package from and compare it with the smallest set of MS Office applications. The mere Microsoft document _viewers_ for doc(x)/xls(x)/ppt(x) [and nothing else] have the same download size as the full 3 suite.

You can turn MS Office into a perfect ODF application:
The Danish Århus University Hospital in Risskov, a long-time user of 
OpenOffice, says there are no problems at all exchanging ODF-based documents 
with other hospitals using Microsoft's proprietary Office 2003.
The sun-odf-plugin installs the most important parts of OOo 3.2 under the hood of MS Office.

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