On 2/1/2012 2:03 AM, Alex Thurgood wrote:
Le 27/01/2012 00:30, Gregory Forster a écrit :

Hi Gregory,

How do I open LotusWord Pro documents? When I click on the document in
Windows Explorer, I get a blank screen. When I enter LibreOffice and
open the document, I get a blank screen. In LibreOffice, I File/Open,
change the file selection to Lotus WordPro document (*.lwp), select the
file and still get a blank screen.

First, check that you do actually have the filters installed.
If you do a File > Open, do you see LWP in the list of available import filters ?

Second, the filters are not perfect, even when they are installed. Many LWP documents do not open correctly, if at all, especially if you have tables and/or inserted images in them. I have found that the filters only manage to successfully import the most simple of documents. Things with footers and headers tend to be misinterpreted or not represented.


I specifically filter for LWP files.  Thank you.


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