Done! Bug #45633 I included an attachment of an LWP file that won't open.



On 2/1/2012 4:34 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Time to post a bug-report then, or use the existing one which seems to have got a bit muddled.
In wikipedia i found there is apparently a LotusWord viewer, see bottom of
but if that only helps convert 1 doc at a time then it's pretty useless.  
Perhaps the link might be useful for the bug-report?

According to IBM their files 'should' open with no problems in MS Word
but i never believe anything big companies say until after trying it. It's bad enough that a free product fails to deliver what it has apparently promised but paying too much money to buy something that also doesn't work would be the icing on the cake. If you are not able to try opening a lwp file in Word feel free to send me a private email with a copy of one of the documents that doesn't work in LO as i might be able to try it in Word 2007 and Word 2010 later today or tomorrow. I still think it would be better to let the devs have a copy of at least 1 file that doesn't work as there is far more chance of them fixing the filter. If it does open in MS Word then there might be a way to convert the documents in large batches.
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 1/2/12, Alex Thurgood<>  wrote:

From: Alex Thurgood<>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: LWP documents
Date: Wednesday, 1 February, 2012, 8:03

Le 27/01/2012 00:30, Gregory Forster a écrit :

Hi Gregory,

How do I open LotusWord Pro documents? When I click on the document in
Windows Explorer, I get a blank screen. When I enter LibreOffice and
open the document, I get a blank screen. In LibreOffice, I File/Open,
change the file selection to Lotus WordPro document (*.lwp), select the
file and still get a blank screen.
First, check that you do actually have the filters installed.
If you do a File>  Open, do you see LWP in the list of available import filters 

Second, the filters are not perfect, even when they are installed. Many LWP 
documents do not open correctly, if at all, especially if you have tables 
and/or inserted images in them. I have found that the filters only manage to 
successfully import the most simple of documents. Things with footers and 
headers tend to be misinterpreted or not represented.


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