On 02/15/2012 07:17 AM, Dan Lewis wrote:
On Wed, 2012-02-15 at 02:44 -0800, Spiff wrote:
Dan Lewis wrote:
" http://libreoffice-na.us/English/dictionary.html
Click this link to download the Dutch dictionary in an LO extension."

Thank you, Dan.
I downloaded and installed the "Dutch spelling and hyphenation Dictionary"

Now AutoSpellcheck works for Dutch language as it did before updating to
LibO 3.5.0.

A few questions:

I looked for a Dutch spelling dictionary extension at
http://extensions.libreoffice.org/extension-center but there was no such
thing there.
How did you know about http://libreoffice-na.us/English/dictionary.html ?
Is it mentioned in the LibreOffice help pages or documentation?

And does anyone have any idea why/how the Dutch dictionary was lost (or
deactivated?) with the upgrade to LibO 3.5.0?

I'm very happy AutoSpellcheck works for Dutch language as it did before,
Thanks very much, once more.

Best regards,
      I searched for it: "libreoffice dutch dictionary" (without the
quotes). Then I had to look down through the results to find a link that
includes libreoffice.


Try this link.


I try to have EVERY usable dictionary for LO listed on the LibreOffice-NA.US portal page.


If you know of one I do not have, let me know and I will try to include it.

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