On Thu, 2012-02-16 at 01:02 +0000, sharon kimble wrote:
> On Thursday 16 February 2012 00:34:34 Spiff wrote:
> > sharon kimble wrote:
> > " I can confirm that autospellcheck does not work on Debian 6.0.4 with the
> > latest libreoffice. It worked with the previous version with no problems "
> > 
> > Hi Sharon,
> > Have you tried to re-install the AutoSpellcheck extension?
> > According to this page http://libreoffice-na.us/ I guess you should be able
> > to find the appropriate AutoSpellcheck extension here:
> > http://libreoffice-na.us/English/dictionary.html
> > http://libreoffice-na.us/English-3.4-installs/dictionary.html
> > 
> Thanks for the thought but its not helpful being in the UK, I dont speak US 
> english which is not the same as UK english. 
> So the problem still remains unsolved, autospellcheck does not work
> Sharon.

     Follow this path and tell me what you have in your LO: Format >
Character > Font (the Font tab). In the Language part of the dialog,
there is a drop down list. It should contain English (GB) which is what
you should select. It probably has USA instead. If I'm right change the
value. See if this will get the autospellcheck to work.
     In the Styles and Formatting window (use F11 key to open this
window), set the Default paragraph style to use English (GB) as the
default language. This should also work.

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