Le 2012-05-20 03:52, John Hardy a écrit :

Is it just me or does your "C" overlap your "0" on your attachment
.odg file on the bug list? You may need to upload the file again.

I just uploaded my file directly from the bug page into LibreOffice Draw It appears correctly on my computer. There is white space
between the "c" and the "0". There is greater space between the digits
of "990". When the file is Exported using the "EPS" file-type, the
resulting image shows an overlap between the "c" and the "0", and
everything is bigger.

What version of LibreOffice are you using to view the file? I just
realized that the file is now in a "read-only" state, but you should be
able to Export as PDF, and also Export using the EPS file-type.

I'm using I guess the file is read differently with the latest version. Maybe someone could verify this. If this is the case, maybe by re-arranging the "C" in the .odg and then exporting to EPS, just maybe, the EPS version will have been fixed and both will be identical. OR maybe there is just a reason why the EPS is not exported properly, Maybe re-doing the graphic from scratch may fix it?

Here is the screen capture that I get: http://www.parentreprise.com/images/LibreOffice/990C-Graphics2012-03-19.odg.png





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