Hi :)
Re-creating a fresh new image using the newer branch was brilliant.  Sometimes 
older documents that have "been around the block a few times" get a lot of 
inexplicable weirdnesses.  Sending your new version directly to the original 
poster might be enough to solve the problem.  Even if it doesn't then it would 
be a useful note for the bug-report so sending it is  a win-win.  
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Mon, 21/5/12, John Hardy <johnha...@johnhardyco.com> wrote:

From: John Hardy <johnha...@johnhardyco.com>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Bug #48365 filed six weeks ago. No sign of 
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Date: Monday, 21 May, 2012, 8:53


> Here is the screen capture that I get: 
> http://www.parentreprise.com/images/LibreOffice/990C-Graphics2012-03-19.odg.png

Your captured image is (obviously) not even close to what it is supposed to 
look like. The "990c" text appears to be a completely different font in your 
screen capture. HOWEVER: I just loaded the file directly from the bug report 
page into Draw again. The file was in read-only mode, so I Saved it to 
my hard drive and reopened it to be able to see what the actual fonts are. 

1. The "990c" text looked OK. When I highlight the "990c" text, the font is 
identified by Draw as "Square 721" with the Bold attribute turned on. This is 
an OpenType font, and the Bold attribute should not be on. When I turn the Bold 
attribute off, the font changes completely, looking much less square, much more 
rounded, similar to the font in your screen capture. It looks like a slightly 
bolder version of the font that is used for the text under the "990c" text, 
specifically the "U.S. PATENT #4,287,479" text (the "9" is the best clue). That 
text is the "Formata" font. There is a bold version of Formata, and the "990c" 
text from your image is bolder than the regular Formata, but not as bold as the 
actual Bold version. But almost identical in form. I wonder if some metrics 
were mixed up.

2. The font name "Square 721" that is displayed when I highlight the existing 
"990c" text isn't the full name of the font. If I add new text, the font list 
has "Square 721 Condensed" as the name of the font, and the Bold attribute is 
NOT turned on. It does not need to be turned on. In fact, turning the Bold 
attribute ON has no effect on the appearance of the font in this case. If I add 
new text using "Square 721 Condensed", then go back to that text later to 
verify, it is still described as "Square 721 Condensed". I don't know if the 
shorter name of the font in the example drawing matters. It may just be a 
shorthand way for Draw to identify the font by name. Or it may be an indication 
of other issues with the handling of fonts.

Some of the small type appears to be a different font than it should be, 
particularly the word "OUT" (Output). It is supposed to be much narrower in 
appearance, using the "Humanist 521 condensed" font. Same effect with the "-V" 
and "+V" text (the "+V" text is partially covered by the mangled "990c" text in 
your image.

I've done some quick experiments with a simple new drawing created in Draw I'm not sure, but things seem to be handled OK when Exported as an EPS 
file. On the other hand, GIMP printed a blank page. So, I will look into it 
more tomorrow. Lots of variables. There is also the fact that you are using a 
slightly later version of Draw (, so it is hard to tell where the 
errors are being introduced.

Thanks you very much for your help. More information later.


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