Thanks Stuart...

So, if you (like I always do) first uninstall JRE 1.6, then install 1.7 (32bit of course), will it still be broken?

On 8/28/2012 12:10 PM, V Stuart Foote <> wrote:

Bob McDonald wrote

JRE 1.7 32 bit edition works if (and only if) JRE 1.6 is installed first
and is pointed to in the options.  (you can even uninstall JRE 1.6
Neither of the 64 bit versions work.  (or show up as Java versions in the
options list under LO)

Actually, that is completely wrong and in reality is one of the reasons so
many folks have problems with the transition from JRE 1.6 to JRE 1.7--they
do not clear out the old and incorrect configurations.

Here are extracts of the javasettings_Windows_x86.xml configuration file
with the JRE in use by Libre Office. It is found per-user at

For JRE 1.6u34:

<jreLocations xsi:nil="true"/>
<javaInfo xsi:nil="false" vendorUpdate="2004-01-30" autoSelect="false">
<vendor>Oracle Corporation</vendor>

and of JRE 1.7u6

<jreLocations xsi:nil="true"/>
<javaInfo xsi:nil="false" vendorUpdate="2004-01-30" autoSelect="false">
<vendor>Oracle Corporation</vendor>

This .XML configuration file is NOT updated when you upgrade your JRE!  It
must be deleted and allowed to rebuild--using your system environment PATH,
or you will end up with non-functional LO Java functions.

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