Il 05/10/2012 16:31, webmaster-Kracked_P_P ha scritto:
On 10/05/2012 10:10 AM, Marcello Romani wrote:
Il 05/10/2012 11:07, John Clegg ha scritto:
One feature I miss isn't actually a feature in MSO as such, but LO
differently. If I open a spreadsheet from an email or the web it
places a
copy in the download folder/directory and Calc always opens it read-only
whereas Excel opens it as read-write. I would like at least an option to
get Calc to open it as read-write. To do so I have to save a copy
before I start, and as I do this around 100 times a day it becomes
quite an

It's just a "modify document" button click away. But I guess it's more
a "problem" of the web browser or e-mail client rather than OOo/LibO
as such.

The browser / e-mail client puts a read-only file in the user temp
folder, then passes its full path to OOo/LibO for reading. OOo/LibO
will just notice it's a readonly file and will behave accordingly.

Hopefully someone with more technicall indsight into this can confirm
or correct me ?

This open as a read only is a "security feature" from before LO came
out.  I remembering it doing the same with and MSO-2003.

The file, at least with Thunderbird, that come in an email attachment is
stored in a TEMP folder.  Those files are, by nature, read-only till
they get saved outside the TEMP [/tmp for Linux] folder.

I know it is a hassle for people but I really do not want to have any
email attachments placed in a "normal" data folder without me saving it
there.  That way I control what gets saved from the email and then all
the other stuff is removed with the deletion cycle of the email client's
TEMP folder content.

We must think safety first and deal with the hassles like this, or could
suffer a email that places their attachment file anywhere it wants to be
and may be overwrite a working file with the same name or worse a system

If those files weren't read only there would be other, more serious complaints from users (I had one). The user would doubleclick on an attachment and have it open r/w in OOo/LibO/MSO. He would start modifying it right away (no hassle!), then save it. Then close the word processor and forget about it. Then after a little while go to the IT guy asking where the hell is that document that he just "saved".

Being readonly, instead, forces the user to click on that damned icon, so the program produces an in-memory r/w copy of the document that will trigger a "save as" procedure when the user would click "save".

Marcello Romani

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