If you have plain text, use Control+A to highlight the entire text. Then clicking the Default Paragraph style will change to your desired font. The key to what is happening is the type of style being applied: paragraph. If you place the cursor in a single line paragraph, clicking Default will only change one line. If a paragraph has several lines, doing this will change several lines. Stop and think about your question. If Writer were to do what you wanted, it would do this for all text files. That means you might later create a text document with several custom styles in it. Opening this document in Writer would remove all these styles. This is not a good idea. However, there is a better way to do this using copy and paste special. Open the text in a simple text editor (Notepad, Gedit, etc.) Open Writer with an Untitled document. Click your Default style so that it is applied to the first paragraph (empty paragraph in this case. Copy the text. Paste special (Control+Shift+V). Select Unformatted text. All the text will be pasted with your default font.


On 10/19/2012 11:37 AM, charles meyer wrote:
Hi Tom,

Have you figured out if Libre Writer can open plain text files
automatically to your chosen font?

When I place the cursor anywhere in the body of the text of a plain
text file and then choose Default in the style window it only changes
that line of text to my chosen Default style, not the whole file of

What version of Libre are you using?

Thank you,


On 10/19/12, Tom Davies <tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Hi :)
I think you don't even have to select all your text.  Just have the cursor
somewhere in the text and click on the box besides the fonts box on the
toolbar and reselect default (or whatever) i think that should be enough to
reassert your fonts and sizes rather than copying the ones used in your

My text editor doesn't use Courier so i get Arial or something when i try to
copy&paste from it.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: charles meyer <reachmepl...@gmail.com>
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Friday, 19 October 2012, 15:44
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Libre Writer - Opening plain text documents to
desired font

Hi Folks,

I'm new to Libre Office but I read how you can create your own default
font style and size so a blank document will open to that default
style and size.

I'm trying to set Libre Writer so that when I open a saved plain text
(.txt) file it opens to my created default style and size.

Right now it opens to Preformatted Text - Courier New 10 point.

I've visited Styles and Formatting and right clicked on Preformatted
Text and chosen Modify and changes the font to Bookman Old 12 point
and clicked Apply, then OK.

I then reopened Preformatted Text style and it indeed displays my
chosen font and size.

However, still when I open a saved plain text file it opens to
Preformatted Text but with Courier New 10 point - not the Bookman Old
12 point I chose and saved.

Would anyone know if you can open saved plain documents to a desired
font style and size or are you always stuck with Courier New 10 point
whenever you open a plain text file?

I know I can highlight all the text in the opened plain text file and
chosoe the Default style and it will change back to my desired font
and style but is there any way of ensuring any plain text files will
open to a desired font stye?

Thank you so much,


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