Hi :)
Ahhh, thanks Dan.  That makes more sense.  Sorry Charles, ignore me.
Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: Dan Lewis <elderdanle...@gmail.com>
>To: users@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Friday, 19 October 2012, 17:08
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Libre Writer - Opening plain text documents 
>to desired font
>      If you have plain text, use Control+A to highlight the entire 
>text. Then clicking the Default Paragraph style will change to your 
>desired font.
>      The key to what is happening is the type of style being applied: 
>paragraph. If you place the cursor in a single line paragraph, clicking 
>Default will only change one line. If a paragraph has several lines, 
>doing this will change several lines.
>      Stop and think about your question. If Writer were to do what you 
>wanted, it would do this for all text files. That means you might later 
>create a text document with  several custom styles in it. Opening this 
>document in Writer would remove all these styles. This is not a good idea.
>      However, there is a better way to do this using copy and paste 
>special. Open the text in a simple text editor (Notepad, Gedit, etc.) 
>Open Writer with an Untitled document. Click your Default style so that 
>it is applied to the first paragraph (empty paragraph in this case. Copy 
>the text. Paste special (Control+Shift+V). Select Unformatted text. All 
>the text will be pasted with your default font.
>On 10/19/2012 11:37 AM, charles meyer wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> Have you figured out if Libre Writer can open plain text files
>> automatically to your chosen font?
>> When I place the cursor anywhere in the body of the text of a plain
>> text file and then choose Default in the style window it only changes
>> that line of text to my chosen Default style, not the whole file of
>> text.
>> What version of Libre are you using?
>> Thank you,
>> Charles.
>> On 10/19/12, Tom Davies <tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi :)
>>> I think you don't even have to select all your text.  Just have the cursor
>>> somewhere in the text and click on the box besides the fonts box on the
>>> toolbar and reselect default (or whatever) i think that should be enough to
>>> reassert your fonts and sizes rather than copying the ones used in your
>>> text-editor.
>>> My text editor doesn't use Courier so i get Arial or something when i try to
>>> copy&paste from it.
>>> Regards from
>>> Tom :)
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: charles meyer <reachmepl...@gmail.com>
>>>> To: users@global.libreoffice.org
>>>> Sent: Friday, 19 October 2012, 15:44
>>>> Subject: [libreoffice-users] Libre Writer - Opening plain text documents to
>>>> desired font
>>>> Hi Folks,
>>>> I'm new to Libre Office but I read how you can create your own default
>>>> font style and size so a blank document will open to that default
>>>> style and size.
>>>> I'm trying to set Libre Writer so that when I open a saved plain text
>>>> (.txt) file it opens to my created default style and size.
>>>> Right now it opens to Preformatted Text - Courier New 10 point.
>>>> I've visited Styles and Formatting and right clicked on Preformatted
>>>> Text and chosen Modify and changes the font to Bookman Old 12 point
>>>> and clicked Apply, then OK.
>>>> I then reopened Preformatted Text style and it indeed displays my
>>>> chosen font and size.
>>>> However, still when I open a saved plain text file it opens to
>>>> Preformatted Text but with Courier New 10 point - not the Bookman Old
>>>> 12 point I chose and saved.
>>>> Would anyone know if you can open saved plain documents to a desired
>>>> font style and size or are you always stuck with Courier New 10 point
>>>> whenever you open a plain text file?
>>>> I know I can highlight all the text in the opened plain text file and
>>>> chosoe the Default style and it will change back to my desired font
>>>> and style but is there any way of ensuring any plain text files will
>>>> open to a desired font stye?
>>>> Thank you so much,
>>>> Charles.
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