At 11:25 21/10/2012 -0400, Charles Meyer wrote:
Yes, you got it. My goal is to open (not paste in) saved plain text files in a blank, newly opened Libre Write document.

I've visited Preformatted Style and change the style to Bookman Old 12 point, clicked Apply and then saved it (or so I thought) only for it to always default back to Courier New 10 point when I open any plain text file. I've created a Default font with Bookman Old 12 point but Libre Write automatically opens all *saved* plain text files to Preformatted Style not Default. I just wondered if there was any way to change which style Libre Writer will open *saved* plain text files automatically to since Libre Writer does not seems to save changes to the Preformatted Style?

Writer will save changes to paragraph styles, but only in the current document. If you save your document in Writer's native .odt format and reopen it, you will see that any modifications to styles have been preserved. The point that you are perhaps missing is that saving as plain text is very much an export option, not a way of saving a word processor document. (Think of it like creating a PDF version of your document - which function Writer helpfully includes as "Export" in the File menu, not as a Save As... option.) As already mentioned by others, style changes cannot be saved in a plain text file - which is just that: the plain and unvarnished text. So when you reopen such a file, you are creating a fresh document as far as Writer is concerned and any changes you made to its now-discarded alter ego are irrelevant.

If you need to save a document and later to re-edit it, plain text is useless. As always, the best way to proceed is to save your documents in Writer's native format. If there is any need for a plain text version of your document, first save your most recent changes to the .odt file (for future use) and then save the plain text version separately.

The key seems to be inducing Libre Writer to open Text Encoded and/or Plain Text files to either Default (where I have it set to Bookman Old 12 point) or another style which does not require Courier New 10 point.

I don't see any way to do this. If you follow the scheme above, you will need to apply the style or font you prefer only once for each such document - which is hardly a penance. After that, the .odt version you are working with will preserve its appearance faithfully.

Has anyone on the list successful changed the style Text Encoded or Plain Text files open to?

I wish you luck. But - as I say - the expected method of modifying the Preformatted Text paragraph style in a new template and then setting that as the default template does not work. When opening plain text files into new documents, Writer uses the "default" default template ("Text Document"), not your newly defined default template, and relies on the unmodified style in that template. This is unexpected (by me, at least) but true!

Brian Barker

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