I get a discount for purchasing without windows.
I say I want that machine, no windows, take it off the price, and save myself some dollars.

On 2012-11-20 13:57, VA wrote:
I'm not defending Microsoft; I don't particularly like them. I'm just saying that if I don't want to buy MS, I don't have to, and neither does anyone else.

Of course, you can buy a Mac and not have Windows. However, I never count Windows as a "purchase" because it comes installed on the computer. I don't pay any extra for it, and I have NEVER purchased any Windows upgrade. After buying a Windows computer, if I wanted, I could completely blow off the Windows, reformat the hard drive and install Linux. I'm sure many people have done just that. I have a dual-boot Windows/Linux system on my laptop.

While my employer has purchased MS Office, I have never done so for my home computers.

In other words, no matter what tactics MS uses, legal or not, as the customer, I always control where I spend my money. MS cannot dominate my computer without my permission or the software market without our collective permission.


-----Original Message----- From: James Knott
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 7:04 PM
To: LibreOffice
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: OpenOffice to be dumped in Freiburg ?

VA wrote:
Nobody is forced to purchase MS products.

Try and buy a computer without Windows.  While there are some available,
they're rare.  Also, read up on the MS anti trust cases to see how they
forced market share with illegal and near illegal methods, including

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