Hi :)
Hmmm, i thought that machines without Windows cost more because of some weird 
marketing deal with OEMs
Regards from
Tom :) 

> From: Steve Edmonds <steve.edmo...@ptglobal.com>
>To: VA <cuyfa...@hotmail.com> 
>Cc: LibreOffice <users@global.libreoffice.org> 
>Sent: Tuesday, 20 November 2012, 1:40
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: OpenOffice to be dumped in Freiburg ?
>I get a discount for purchasing without windows.
>I say I want that machine, no windows, take it off the price, and save myself 
>some dollars.
>On 2012-11-20 13:57, VA wrote:
>> I'm not defending Microsoft; I don't particularly like them. I'm just saying 
>> that if I don't want to buy MS, I don't have to, and neither does anyone 
>> else.
>> Of course, you can buy a Mac and not have Windows. However, I never count 
>> Windows as a "purchase" because it comes installed on the computer. I don't 
>> pay any extra for it, and I have NEVER purchased any Windows upgrade. After 
>> buying a Windows computer, if I wanted, I could completely blow off the 
>> Windows, reformat the hard drive and install Linux. I'm sure many people 
>> have done just that. I have a dual-boot Windows/Linux system on my laptop.
>> While my employer has purchased MS Office, I have never done so for my home 
>> computers.
>> In other words, no matter what tactics MS uses, legal or not, as the 
>> customer, I always control where I spend my money. MS cannot dominate my 
>> computer without my permission or the software market without our collective 
>> permission.
>> Virgil
>> -----Original Message----- From: James Knott
>> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 7:04 PM
>> To: LibreOffice
>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: OpenOffice to be dumped in Freiburg ?
>> VA wrote:
>>> Nobody is forced to purchase MS products.
>> Try and buy a computer without Windows.  While there are some available,
>> they're rare.  Also, read up on the MS anti trust cases to see how they
>> forced market share with illegal and near illegal methods, including
>> extortion.
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