Hi :)
The first step is to try renaming the User Profile 
Taht seems to magically fix a lot of issues as it "resets LibreOffice back to 
factory defaults", which a reinstall doesn't do.  

However, do other programs also crash?  Which Operating System are you using, 
or at least which platform; Windows, Gnu&Linux (eg Ubuntu, Mageia, Fedora), Mac 
or Bsd?  Have you recently added a new graphics card?  

In LibreOffice you can bump up various memory settings 
Tools - Options - Memory

Crashes are often caused by a bad version of java.  Could you let us know which 
one you are currently using?
Tools - Options - Java
At the top of that page is a tick-box allowing you to switch off java so that 
it doesn't get used by LibreOffice at all.  Your web-browsers and stuff will 
all continue to use it but at least LO wont.  If LibreOffice really needs java 
for something then it will just give you a pop-up grumble, in which case just 
re-tick the box and try whatever it was again.  You only need java for some 
databases, some Extensions and some wizards.  

Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: Mirosław Zalewski <mini...@poczta.onet.pl>
>To: users@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Saturday, 12 January 2013, 11:01
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Writer: remove/merge pages
>On 12/01/2013 at 11:44, IGraham <gra...@lovatt.co.uk> wrote:
>> *Secondary question *
>> Does Libraoffice normally struggle with large documents (crashers), if so
>> any good practices to avoid the resulting aggravation 
>In my experience: no, it does not. The longest document I have is LO Writer 
>3.4 guide. It's about 400 pages long and ≈125 000 words (so it's a bit longer 
>than yours). It opens without problems.
>I used to have OpenDocument v1.2 specification in ODT format. It is about 
>as long as Writer Guide. It took forever to load (probably due to excessive 
>usage of fields), but it did not crash LO.
>What version of LO are you using?
>Could it be that your operating system is running out of memory? How much RAM 
>does your computer have? Are you running any other applications while reading 
>this document? Especially web browsers are memory-hungry these times.
>Best regards
>Mirosław Zalewski
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