On 02/11/2013 01:43 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
Le 2013-02-11 12:50, Don C. Myers a écrit :
Hi All,

A simple copy and paste works really well!!!!!! No typing necessary.
Just make sure you have the file saved as a .txt that you open with GEdit.

When I was new to Linux (Ubuntu) and didn't understand anything about
what the system was really doing or about the file structure, OpenOffice
was updated, and it wasn't going to be included for Ubuntu users until
the next update, which was three or 4 months down the road. I ran across
this method as a way to update my OpenOffice without waiting. The same
thing took place with the next OpenOffice release. Again I found the
updated instructions on the Internet. I still use this as it is easy to
update computers. I've installed Ubuntu on about 23 or so. It is also
easy for a new person to Ubuntu since they don't have to understand
changing directories, etc. Simple extract the download to the desktop,
and then copy and paste the three commands into the terminal.


This I also agree with as well. If the scripts fit for everyone. However, there is no sense making installing LibreOffice (the downloaded files) sound so complicated for Linux. You don't really need to know much about installing .deb's or .rpm's other than to "right-click" and the files and picking the right choices. That's all.

In fact, if you are just installing one .deb or .rpm, on most systems, you just have to double-click on the .deb or .rpm file and it will call up the distro's installer. It's just that simple. Just like it is done on Windows.



The only reason you cannot double click any of the .deb files in the install's DEBS folder is the fact that you need to make sure they are all run due to the file dependency issues. They have to be run in a certain order, sort of.

It would be nice to have a double-click script that could be run that way that will run all of the .deb file in the folder, but it is not as easy as that, or that single double-clicking file/script might have been created by now.

So far, needing the terminal to install packages [not all] is a problem for some users who want to switch from Windows. Also, sometimes the double-clicked package installs do not even make a menu or desktop launcher icon, so you have to go into the "bin" or other folder and create your own launcher icon. I had to do that for the Canon Scanning package. It was "/usr/bin/scangearmp" and how many new users to Linux would know how to create a launcher or where the command was stored?

More people might move over to Linux if package were easier to install on Ubuntu, Mint, and others. We all got spoiled on doing a double-click on the install file [.exe or .msi] and it will place the package icon in the menu system [Start] and place a launch icon on the desktop for ease of use. Yes, we got spoiled, but it was easier. I do not know how to add the Canon Scan Gear package to the Ubuntu Applications menu. Wish I did.

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