My original objective in submitting to the forum was to determine if an LO/OO "bug" or "limitation" was being exposed by the macros found in the sample file rather than having folks in the development team or community expend the effort to fix the offending file. To me, the issue is now closed.

On 2/12/13 9:52 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
to all of Jay's various points there.  I totally agree.

The "another private company", the one that sent the offending spreadsheet, 
appears to be Oracle.  So,
1.  it's extremely unlikely that they will re-write the macros for LibreOffice 
or even for OpenOffice (same macro languages)
2.  that fact the macros seem horribly broken is not a surprise either and they 
probably wont fix them
3.  If we could fix them and send to the original poster so that he could send the 
results to the "another company"  in an ODF document then that would be a bit 
of a triumph for all of us.

Yes, it would be nice if someone here got paid for the work but that is 
unlikely to happen.  Ideally i would like someone here to get paid perhaps 
somewhat less than the cost of new MSO licenses for the op's machines.  Perhaps 
Andrew Pitonyak, Alex, Jay, Dan(?) or someone else that knows macro coding well 
enough to get it done quite quickly.

At the moment the company that approached us doesn't have any versions of MSO 
(apart fromt he old 2003 lurking somewhere) and it's only being forced into 
buying MSO by this 1 document from Oracle!!  It's outrageous that Oracle would 
do such a thing but again, no surprise!  So, even if no-one got paid it would 
still be a good result for us.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Jay Lozier <>
Sent: Tuesday, 12 February 2013, 14:21
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: MS Excel file macros cause infinite loop 
of errors

On 02/12/2013 01:34 AM, e-letter wrote:
On 11/02/2013, todd.e.moore <> wrote:
Originally I posted under my
account.Unfortunately, I need the macros enabled.  The spreadsheet is
developed by another company and includes features/functions that we must
use to properly submit requests.The behavior I observe is that after
changing security settings to allow the macros to run, I receive a macro
execution error that pops up on the screen.  Clicking on the equivalent of
"ok", "ignore", "cancel" just displays another error message.  This
continues for what seems about 30 clicks.  Then the boxes no longer appear.

Trying to do anything in the UI, even closing the file, starts the error
message deluge again.I noticed the issue in v3.x.x and hoped that with
v4.0.0 there may have been changes that would cope with the macros in this
file.  Unfortunately, the problems persist.Attaching file (1MB zip file
containing a single MS Excel ) that causes this issue to occur.

Amazed that a private company receives a proprietary file from another
private company and asks the libre software community to solve a
proprietary problem.

LO is not an m$ clone. A business that can't afford to pay m$
licences, most probably shouldn't be in business.

How does odf benefit from LO being used to solve your problem?

Have you contacted the source of the document and asked them to
re-format the document to ods?

What did they say? ;)

Have you contacted m$ and asked them to make their software easier to
use with non-m$ products? Did you get a reply ? ;)

How much company time have you wasted, compared to the cost of buying
a legitimate copy of m$? Is your MD aware?


The issue is macro conversion which is tricky at best. As budgets tighten many 
are looking for less expensive or free options for software and these issues 
are important to address in a polite manner not snide comments about the 
validity of their license or how they should use MSO. MS does not by their 
choice have versions of MSO for all OSes so depending on your OS you may not 
even have an option to use MSO.

In previous post, it was noted that the macro may be buggy because it 
apparently does not always run correctly in Excel (2003). So there may have two 
independent problems: a buggy macro and macro conversion/interoperability.

Macros are the hardest area to convert because of differences in the APIs 
between MSO and LO.

-- Jay Lozier

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