On 03/03/2013 09:39 AM, Mark Stanton wrote:
I think the (incorrect) definition that is being used is whether LO
manipulates files directly or talks to a database engine.

I don't think there is a dBase or FoxBase engine.  I'm pretty sure
there is a Visual FoxPro engine (John doesn't mention VFP, whyzatt
then? ;) ), however it'll be a Windoze only thing I expect.

So, to answer the original question, LO is calling dBase files flat
because it can't access a database engine for them and it won't do
any engine work itself.

A flat database?  Errr, can't think of one, although I know there
have been such things.

You only had to ask ;)

Mark Stanton

Re: the database engine issue: I think we're muddying the sql concept. In the sql environment, a program accepts a command from the client and only returns the results that are requested in the sql command (query). This became important as database programs were used in, say an order entry environment.

Two hundred desktops with PCs and telephones accepting orders:

Non-SQL environment:
Clerk keys in the account number to bring up the customer file.
All 5000 customer records are carried over the network to that PC, where the local program filters the data to find the customer and display the data.

SQL environment:
The clerk's program accepts the account number from the clerk and creates a short query. The query is sent to the central computer (server). Only the 1 record that meets the account number query is returned over the network.

Obviously, the whole system would be very slow if 200 clerks are downloading 5000 customer records on each call. This has nothing to do with the relational model.

Re: Microsoft's Visual Foxpro: I purchased 5.0 when it came out, but I was having so many problems with MS Windows 95, and then Windows 98, that I decided that my environment could not tolerate the problems. (Yellow devils, secret codes to put in config files, yeah right). Thank God Linux came arround when it did. I started using Red Hat, version 5.2., but I still use DOS (FreeDOS and 4DOS). It's rock solid. I am still waiting for a database program that will allow me to create applications (not pieces of applications, like queries and forms) without having to learn C (this old dog is not going to learn that new trick!).

set soapbox off,

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