Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
On 06/07/2013 03:50 PM, Girvin R. Herr wrote:

Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

I need to relearn the interface for Paint Shop Pro X5, when I used version 5 since the XP days. But since I can not get v5 to install on Win7 Home Premium that my laptop has, I had to upgrade it and relearn the new interface. Same with PSP 5 or X5 vs. GIMP. The time it takes to relearn how to do the things that comes very easily to me with the old interface, well it is very frustrating to say the least and has taken 2 to 5 times longer to do the things I want/need to do.
Ahh! The Gimp. Great program and I do have some use for it. However, learning it has a _steep_ learning curve for me and, frankly, sitting at the screen and reading the online manual is not what I would prefer using my limited time for. There are several "learning" books out there, but which one is the best one I need to learn The Gimp? That is my problem with it. Once or twice I fiddled with it and got it to do somewhat what I wanted, but it wasn't very intuitive and I feel it could do so much more for me. If I could just get a good book on it and sit down and play with it...
Girvin Herr


Yes GIMP has a steep learning curve. As for learning curves, ever try to use Photoshop?
Now that has a steep learning curve if you have not dealt with such a package before. PSP5 was so easy to use and learn, plus it had everything I wanted or needed for my work.

Also GIMP does not have all of the "filters" that I had with Paint Shop Pro 5 [or the new X5].

If there was an easier and/or better graphics program that I could use with Ubuntu 12.05, then I would give it a try.

Sometimes the books I have seen in the stores, or online, seem to be written by and for the graphic artist, and not those of us who need it for the more simple things, like repairing old photos or dealing with simple pixel-based graphics.
Right on! That's all I need it for. A while back I tried to add arrow lines to a photo as an experiment to document where components were on a project. I couldn't get The Gimp to do it, though I was sure it could. In The Gimp, I could add the lines, but since it was not a vector (two end points), I could not move those lines if I needed to squeeze in another line beside it, unless I erased each and every pixel. I ended up using LO Draw, which is a vector drawing program, not a bitmap drawing program like The Gimp! It did a fine job and I was even able to add an underlying, slightly wider white line to enhance the readability of the black line over dark photo imagery. How many Gimp books must I buy and dispose of before I get one that is basic enough for me (i.e. "Gimp for Dummies?")
for all [most] vector-based graphics, I use Inkscape. I have not really sat down and learned Draw for these things, yet. I am so use to Corel Draw 11, Inkscape is similar enough to use, is I am using Ubuntu. I have Corel Draw 11 on a Win7 laptop.
I am very familiar with LO Draw. I use it a lot to draw diagrams in technical manuals. Draw does have some quirks, but it is fairly easy to use and productive. I am still learning things about it, such as freezing areas by putting them on a separate layer and making it unchangeable (unselectable?). That is required to allow inner objects to be selected without selecting a larger outer object. I generally use it as an embedded object in a Writer document, which has even more quirks. For some reason, the embedded Draw is a subset of the stand-alone Draw. For instance, zoom is not supported in the embedded version, so it gets difficult sometimes to work on a small object or grid. I have also found some quirks about scaling and adjusting locations in the embedded version. It can get really squirrelly sometimes. For example, if I try to enlarge the drawing in the embedded Draw by dragging the tags, nothing will happen. Then all of a sudden, the drawing will greatly enlarge, clipping the edges, and I cannot get it back to full extents again. As I said, squirrelly. I discovered the adjustments in the object frame properties to be helpful there.

I just wish I really had the time to sit down and "play" with the packages, GIMP, Draw, and others, with a good book of instructions to help walk me through the processes.
Ahh! There's the rub. I have the same problem. I usually start reading up on something to address a need, get distracted by something of higher priority, and then never get back to the book. Sometimes the original need goes away and it isn't so bad. Other times, I just don't get back to the problem. For example, I started reading up on Java a few months ago in order to learn enough about it to fix some non-fatal bugs in a database Report Generator (RG) I am using instead of the LO Base Oracle Report Builder (ORB), which I find too buggy to use. I got into chapter 2, got torn away from it by other priorities, and now that book is still on my coffee table gathering dust. I have no idea when I will ever get back to it. Probably when I next use the RG and get irritated with the bugs.

Girvin Herr

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