It seems that the tables in original message below are not readable. So
I typed the message in LO Writer and attached here:

You can read the post below more clearly using the .odt file I attached

On 07/25/2013 12:47 PM, Sina Momken wrote:
> Let me show you what exact Outline Numbering I want using the example below:
> Level Example(desired output) Associated Paragraph Style
> 1      Chapter 3:             Chapter
> 2       3.2-                  Heading 1
> 3        3.2.5-               Heading 2
> 4            Heading 3
> 5          (b)                none
> 6           Fig (3.12)        Fig Caption
> 7            (3.27)           Formula
> 8             Table (3.20)    Table Caption
> As you can see in the example above the '3' in "Fig (3.12)", "(3.27)"
> and "Table (3.20)" is the chapter number at level 1.
> But in Writer->Tools->Outline_Numbering the first digit is not '3'
> (level1 number) but the first digit in level 'n' with "Show sublevels =
> 2" will be number of level 'n-1'.
> Therefor also in the .doc template everything is stored correctly using
> MS Word, but when I open it with LO Writer I see Outline Numberings as
> below:
> Level Example(Writer result)  Associated Paragraph Style
> 1      Chapter 3:             Chapter
> 2       3.2-                  Heading 1
> 3        3.2.5-               Heading 2
> 4            Heading 3
> 5          (b)                none
> 6           Fig (b.12)        Fig Caption
> 7            (12.27)          Formula
> 8             Table (27.20)   Table Caption
> How can I achieve my desired output I mentioned in first example using
> LO Writer?
> On 07/25/2013 12:09 PM, Sina Momken wrote:
>> Hello, I need help with LibreOffice Writer -> Tools -> Outline Numbering.
>> As long as I know Tools -> Outline Numbering in LibreOffice Writer is
>> somehow equivalent to defining new Multilevel list in MS Office Word 2010.
>> But I need some features in formating of each level in Outline
>> Numbering, which is not available in LibreOffice Writer but is available
>> in MS Word -> Multilevel list. I need some more professional formatting
>> of each level because I'm writing my thesis based on a template provided
>> by my university and I have to obey that template. In that template
>> (which is a .doc file) format of each level is defined in a particular
>> way that can be shown correctly in MS Word, but not in LibreOffice.
>> I need to be able to customize Number format of each level similar to MS
>> Word like what you can see here:
>> If someone is professional in this issue please help me.

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