Ubuntu install is the same, if using the default install options it creates the swap partition (at least equal to installed RAM amount), and then then one partition for all. I change this and like many here, create the root / (100MB), and the balance of the drive capacity to /home, keeping my data separate.


Andrew Brown

On 07/08/2013 07:53 AM, Doug wrote:
On 08/07/2013 01:05 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
If you have your /home on a separate partition then it might be possible to 
install the 64bit version of Ubuntu without disturbing your 32 it version.  I 
tend to use a 10-15Gb partition for / for Ubuntu.  It doesn't really need all 
that much space but Ubuntu is about the most bloated distro at the moment.  
Having plenty of space makes it easier when installing programs.
Regards from
Tom :)

I did that on PCLOS. It works well, altho a few apps that are strictly
32-bit will not run on the 64-bit installation.I lost Adobe Reader on
the 64-bit os, because there is no 64-bit version of that s/w. I had to
go find a 64-bit version of one or two other programs. But basically,
it's a lot simpler than having to back up all your files to an external
storage medium and then having to copy everything back to a completely
new install.

You will have to make a new blank partition on the drive, using
gparted or something similar, and format it to ext4 and call it /
Then when you install the 64-bit version, DO NOT format /home,
only / (Your distro may or may not make it mandatory to reformat /
during the install, even tho you formatted it already.)

Be careful when you install the 64-bit os, so as to NOT make a new
/home. Note that you probably already have a swap partition, so
don't make another one. Any and all Linux os's on the disk can use
the one swap.

It has been quite a while since I did an Ubuntu install, so I can't
be more specific. And I don't think I would try this with Korora--
its installation would drive a saint crazy! (Just to get it onto
two partitions is maddening!)

Good luck--doug

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