Hi :)
My guess is thatUbuntu created an 11Gb Extended Partition purely to put the 
11Gb Swap in.  Not quite sure why it did that but the installer tries to make 
sure your system stays reasonably flexible for the future
Regards from 
Tom :)  

> From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster <webmas...@krackedpress.com>
>To: users@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Wednesday, 7 August 2013, 12:45
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: start up speed
>Just to give you a "bloat alert".  My Ubuntu 12.04 LTS system, after all 
>of its updates and upgrades from the repository, and the fact that it 
>seems a lot of the older packages were left on the system, my OS folders 
>now total about 98-GB.
>1,000 GB total
>less 78.7 GB free space
>less 823.5 GB in the /home folder and sub-folders
>making all of the other folders in the "filesystem" totaling 97.8 GB for 
>the OS.
>This OS figure also includes the 11 GB swap and a 11 GB extended 
>partition [for what Ubuntu uses it for I do not know, but it created it].
>So take away the 22 GB of partitions outside of that main partition, you get
>75.8 GB of OS file space for 12.04LTS plus the two partitions it needs 
>to run.
>If I used a 10-15 GB for the OS, I would be sunk.
>I do not separate the /home into its own partition, since all of the 
>docs and "help" seems to confuse me on how to set up all of the 
>different partitions during the install process.  In a few months, I 
>hope to replace that 1 TB drive with a 2 TB one.  I planned on creating 
>a 500 GB partition for the OS file system including the OS, /home, and 
>the needed swap and other partition[s] needed.  The rest of the drive, 
>1.5 TB, will be used as a separate data "drive" so I can have a smaller 
>/home folder size and keep everything not actively worked on out of the 
>/home folder.
>Also, I have taken a 2 TB internal drive and used it for the first stage 
>backup, or internal backup, of the essential /home folder files, like 
>the "hidden dot folders" and things like my photo folder that contains 
>sub-folders by year and then month of all my digital photo since Sept. 
>2005 - when I bought my first digital camera.  I have a whole box of 
>photos needing to be scanned in from the early 70's to then, that I will 
>"one day" get around to scanning an archiving.
>Unfortunately, I have more internal drive space than external drive 
>backup space.  So I need to start buying more of those drives to back up 
>my system.  It does help that most of my 2nd 2-TB drive is used as an 
>internal backup, so it currently does not need external a separate 
>external backup.  But I do have one 1-TB and two 2-TB drives, currently, 
>and later at least 6-TB [maybe 7, 8, or more] internal storage to be 
>backed up externally.
>On 08/07/2013 04:18 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Hi :)
>> I tend to make / around 10-15Gb now for Ubuntu.  100Mb is about enough for a 
>> separate /boot partiiton but not enough for the / of most distros, 
>> especially not for the most bloated distro of all.  I've found that even 8Gb 
>> gets in trouble quite quickly unless you are quite good at doing maintenance 
>> such as using the Janitor fairly often.
>> You don't get much of a performance boost by having a separate /home unless 
>> that /home is on a physically separate drive but it does make he system more 
>> robust and safer to upgrade.
>> Regards from
>> Tom :)
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Andrew Brown <andre...@icon.co.za>
>>> To: users@global.libreoffice.org
>>> Sent: Wednesday, 7 August 2013, 8:19
>>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: start up speed
>>> Ubuntu install is the same, if using the default install options it
>>> creates the swap partition (at least equal to installed RAM amount), and
>>> then then one partition for all. I change this and like many here,
>>> create the root / (100MB), and the balance of the drive capacity to
>>> /home, keeping my data separate.
>>> Regards
>>> Andrew Brown
>>> On 07/08/2013 07:53 AM, Doug wrote:
>>>> On 08/07/2013 01:05 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
>>>>> Hi :)
>>>>> If you have your /home on a separate partition then it might be possible 
>>>>> to install the 64bit version of Ubuntu without disturbing your 32 it 
>>>>> version.  I tend to use a 10-15Gb partition for / for Ubuntu.  It doesn't 
>>>>> really need all that much space but Ubuntu is about the most bloated 
>>>>> distro at the moment.  Having plenty of space makes it easier when 
>>>>> installing programs.
>>>>> Regards from
>>>>> Tom :)
>>>> I did that on PCLOS. It works well, altho a few apps that are strictly
>>>> 32-bit will not run on the 64-bit installation.I lost Adobe Reader on
>>>> the 64-bit os, because there is no 64-bit version of that s/w. I had to
>>>> go find a 64-bit version of one or two other programs. But basically,
>>>> it's a lot simpler than having to back up all your files to an external
>>>> storage medium and then having to copy everything back to a completely
>>>> new install.
>>>> You will have to make a new blank partition on the drive, using
>>>> gparted or something similar, and format it to ext4 and call it /
>>>> Then when you install the 64-bit version, DO NOT format /home,
>>>> only / (Your distro may or may not make it mandatory to reformat /
>>>> during the install, even tho you formatted it already.)
>>>> Be careful when you install the 64-bit os, so as to NOT make a new
>>>> /home. Note that you probably already have a swap partition, so
>>>> don't make another one. Any and all Linux os's on the disk can use
>>>> the one swap.
>>>> It has been quite a while since I did an Ubuntu install, so I can't
>>>> be more specific. And I don't think I would try this with Korora--
>>>> its installation would drive a saint crazy! (Just to get it onto
>>>> two partitions is maddening!)
>>>> Good luck--doug
>>> -- 
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