Sounds interesting.  But where do you set the BASE font size?

-- Tim

On 8/20/2013 1:37 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
I always enjoy finding a new feature in LO, one that I never knew existed. That recently happened to me as was playing with paragraph styles.

One of the features I have always liked about LaTeX is the way in which the size of its headings fonts is tied to its base font with designations such as "Large" "Larger" and "Huge." If you increase the size of the base font, the size of the headings increases correspondingly.

I never thought this could be done with LO as font sizes are expressed in exact point sizes. Thus, if I increased the size of my default font from 11 to 12 points, I thought I had to increase my headings, say, from 16 to 18 points.


I recently discovered that the font sizes of heading styles can expressed, not only in points, but as a percentage of the default font size.

Let's say the base font size of your text font is 11 points and you want your headings to be twice the size. Instead of setting the headings style to 22 points, you can actually type 200% in the point size box. It will then always be twice the size of your base font size no matter what size you set the base font. (Make sure you do this in the Styles formatting dialogs and not in the direct formatting dialogs.)

I often change between fonts, some of which look best at 11 points (Century, Palatino) and some at 12 points (Times, Goudy Old Style). Now, I can change the base font size knowing that my headings will change correspondingly.

Just thought I'd share this for others who may be interested in a feature that may go unnoticed.


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