On 2013-10-02 09:32, John Jason Jordan wrote:
On Tue, 01 Oct 2013 08:53:16 -0700
Joel Madero <jmadero....@gmail.com> dijo:

What have I missed?


You need to install the language and then change it with ibus (should
have a little keyboard icon in your taskbar somewhere).

Google around for "xubuntu install language" but the above link gives
some guidance
Thanks to you and James for the suggestions, but it's still not working.

Note that I am using Xubuntu, not Ubuntu. Gnome is not installed,
except for those components that Xfce uses, or perhaps required by some

I found Language Support under Applications > Settings. It pops up a
little window with a list of languages. English (United States), and
under it English are both in black text. Immediately under them is what
appears to be Greek, transliterated: "Elleniká," but it's grayed out and
cannot be selected.

There is a button for Install/Remove Languages. It shows both English
and Modern Greek with a check box in them after I used the GUI to
install the Modern Greek (no Ancient or Classical Greek option, but
Modern Greek is probably close enough for now). I also logged out and
back in again, but the GUI still shows Elleniká grayed out. The input
method was set to None, so I changed it to Ibus, and again I logged out
and back in, but still no joy.

Can you use greek in any other application. May be get that working system wide and then see about getting it working in LO.

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