On Wed, 02 Oct 2013 15:07:37 +1300
Steve Edmonds <steve.edmo...@ptglobal.com> dijo:

>> Joel Madero <jmadero....@gmail.com> dijo:
>>>> What have I missed?
>>> http://superuser.com/questions/28932/how-do-i-input-greek-characters-in-ubuntu
>>> You need to install the language and then change it with ibus
>>> (should have a little keyboard icon in your taskbar somewhere).
>>> Google around for "xubuntu install language" but the above link
>>> gives some guidance
>> Thanks to you and James for the suggestions, but it's still not
>> working.
>> Note that I am using Xubuntu, not Ubuntu. Gnome is not installed,
>> except for those components that Xfce uses, or perhaps required by
>> some application.
>> I found Language Support under Applications > Settings. It pops up a
>> little window with a list of languages. English (United States), and
>> under it English are both in black text. Immediately under them is
>> what appears to be Greek, transliterated: "Elleniká," but it's
>> grayed out and cannot be selected.
>> There is a button for Install/Remove Languages. It shows both English
>> and Modern Greek with a check box in them after I used the GUI to
>> install the Modern Greek (no Ancient or Classical Greek option, but
>> Modern Greek is probably close enough for now). I also logged out and
>> back in again, but the GUI still shows Elleniká grayed out. The input
>> method was set to None, so I changed it to Ibus, and again I logged
>> out and back in, but still no joy.

>Can you use greek in any other application. May be get that working 
>system wide and then see about getting it working in LO.

No, I  cannot type in Greek in any application, unless I use "insert
character" or use Ctrl-Shift-u +Unicode value. This is a real pain.

I also asked on the Xfce forums last night. I just checked the post -
15 people had read it and there were no replies.

A long time ago when I used Gnome it was trivially easy. But how in the
heck do you install a second keyboard in Xfce?

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