At 14:57 10/11/2013 -0700, Oogie McGuire wrote:
I have a spreadsheet that is the output of a SQLite Database on Android. It contains numbers that have been formatted as text. When I copy the columns into my LibreOffice Spreadsheet I want to make sure that they are interpreted as numbers. However they come in as text and the manuals and help at Libre Office are less than useful.

I found reference to a value function, but no information on how to apply it to this data. I tried just changing the format of the cells to be number but that didn't do anything at all. I've also attempted various styles of paste special but still it doesn't work. There has got to be a way to quickly say this text is all really numbers and get it working!

Oh, here's another way:
o Ensure that the cells with your rogue values are actually formatted as numbers. (No, that won't solve your problem, but bear with me.)
o Select the cells.
o Search for .* and replace with & - but click More Options and tick "Current selection only" and "Regular expressions". The text values are reinserted in their cells, but are also reinterpreted - as numbers.

I trust this (also) helps.

Brian Barker

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