Hi :)
That is interesting to hear what the devs would suggest.  It's
certainly the case for most other software but i thought LibreOffice
was one of the exceptions to the rule.

Thanks Joel!
Regards from
Tom :)

On 24 January 2014 17:44, Joel Madero <jmadero....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/24/2014 07:52 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
>> On 01/24/2014 10:23 AM, Joel Madero wrote:
>>> On 01/23/2014 02:39 PM, Tony Godshall wrote:
>>>> I may have forgotten to mention that I have OpenOffice 4.0.x and
>>>> LibreOffice 4.1.x on the same computers.
>>>> That may me an issue, I'm thinking now.
>>> Yes could be.
>>>> I've set up a couple of users as a test case- one with OpenOffice
>>>> 4.0.x only, and one with LibreOffice 4.1.x only.
>>> :)
>>>> And I also should have mentioned that the source of the programs is
>>>> from openoffice.org and libreoffice.org, from the tar.gz of deb files,
>>>> installed with dpkg -i without complaints.
>>> We generally recommend you install from PPA's not from the website. Our
>>> debian packages on the website are not packaged explicitly for Ubuntu --
>>> much better to stick to PPA's which are packaged by Bjoern (Canonical
>>> employee) specifically for Ubuntu. If I were you, I'd purge LIbreOffice
>>> completely and install through ppa without OpenOffice installed.
>>> Best,
>>> Joel
>> Joel
>> I never heard of the PPA over website version install recommendation
>> before.
>> I always download the new version I want to install from the web
>> site.  That way I do not have to upgrade to any version I do not want
>> to use.  I will be running the 4.1.x line till the 4.2.x line gets to
>> the .3 or .4 version.  Will the PPA allow that to happen or will it
>> keep telling me that there is a new 4.2.x version it wants me to
>> install over the 4.1.4, or 4.1.5, 4.1.6 version I will have installed
>> on my system?
> Honestly not sure - if there is a new release in the PPA I suspect
> you'll get notified but I run master most of the time. I do have a ppa
> install of 4.2. rc right now and don't get annoying warnings despite it
> not being the newest RC. If you talk to devs they'll almost always
> suggest sticking with the PPA - we've had reports that downloads from
> libreoffice instead of through ppa can cause some issue (particularly
> with Unity but in general just best to stick with ppa IMHO).
> Best,
> joel
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